Glad increasing the quota got you going on S 2012.

You can manually apply the hotfix, although my prefered way of getting 
round it was to upgrade to Windows Management Framework 4.0 (which includes 
powershell 4) if that's an option for you.  I think there's an msi or msu 
to run to install it - I'm not actually using 2008 any more.

You can see if you have the hotfix installed by running the powershell 


 - see

Hope this helps,


On Monday, 15 February 2016 17:52:05 UTC, Slim Slam wrote:
> Hi Jon,
>   Thanks so much for your reply.  I carefully followed the instructions at 
> this link to double the amount of winrm ram from 1 gig to 2gig:
>   That solved the out-of-memory problem on Windows Server 2012, but for 
> Windows Server 2008R2, I'm getting the same result as before.
> I did a full Windows Update and restart. The MaxMemoryPerShellMB shows as 
> 2048m. But still the same results. The
> output (shown above in my original posting) is done with -vvvvvv, btw.  I 
> looked through the event logs and couldn't find
> anything for winrm that would explain things.
>   Do you think I need to manually apply that patch somehow? Is there an 
> easy way to tell if I need to apply it or not? (sorry, I'm not a Windows 
> expert).
> Thanks,
> J
> On Monday, February 15, 2016 at 5:40:58 AM UTC-6, J Hawkesworth wrote:
>> Bit of a guess but I wonder if you are hitting a quota limit in the winrm 
>> configuration on your windows machine?
>> MaxMemoryPerShellMB  looks the most likely - see 
>> Unpatched Server 2008 R2 had a bug that mis-set the quotas which makes me 
>> think that might explain the difference - bug detailed here: 
>> To debug.. you could try running with -vvvvvv to get full stdout/stderr 
>> from when the compile runs.
>> Also check windows event logging for winrm / winrs to see if winrm is 
>> reporting any errors.
>> If the quota size is the problem, I have read somewhere, -sorry can't 
>> find the link now  - that you can't reconfigure winrm remotely so you might 
>> have to workaround changing the quota settings if that is in fact the 
>> problem.  If it can't be done in the configure ansible for remoting script 
>> then might be possible by creating a scheduled task.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Jon
>> On Monday, 15 February 2016 05:40:06 UTC, Slim Slam wrote:
>>> I'm using the Ansible "raw" module to compile a Java app on Windows 
>>> Server 2008 and 2012. Both have the Oracle 64-bit Java 8 JDK. Windows 
>>> Server 2008 has Powershell 3 and
>>> Windows Server 2012 has Powershell 4.  These servers are the stock 
>>> Windows AMIs running on AWS.
>>> On Windows Server 2012, it almost completes but always eventually bombs 
>>> out with:
>>> error occurred during error reporting (null), id 0xc0000005]", "", "#", 
>>> "# There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to 
>>> continue.", "# Native memory allocation (malloc) failed to allocate 32744 
>>> bytes for ChunkPool::allocate",
>>> This is on a machine with 15 gig of RAM with max RAM for the compilation 
>>> at 8gig.
>>> Notably, the compilation always completes if I go to the machine's 
>>> command line and run it by hand (it only fails when Ansible runs it).
>>> On Windows Server 2008, it mysteriously fails every time:
>>> TASK [compile the app] 
>>> **************************************************
>>> task path: /mycorp_CODE/ansible/building_scripts/build_win.yml:126
>>> PORT 5986 TO
>>> <> WINRM CONNECT: transport=ssl endpoint=https://
>>> <> EXEC .\activator dist
>>> <> WINRM OPEN SHELL: E6D0B5A6-99CD-47C7-845E-BF9B7DB72FB2
>>> <> WINRM EXEC 'PowerShell' ['-NoProfile', '-NonInteractive'
>>> , '-ExecutionPolicy', 'Unrestricted', '-EncodedCommand', 
>>> ]
>>> <> WINRM RESULT u'<Response code 0, out "", err "">'
>>> <> WINRM CLOSE SHELL: E6D0B5A6-99CD-47C7-845E-BF9B7DB72FB2
>>> ok: [] => {"changed": false, "invocation": {"module_args": {
>>> "_raw_params": ".\\activator dist"}, "module_name": "raw"}, "rc": 0, 
>>> "stderr": "", "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
>>> But again, if I go to the Windows command line, I can run it by hand 
>>> successfully every time.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> J

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