On Fri, 19 Feb 2016, Austin Butler wrote:

The lineinfile module is consistently reporting changed on a step. The
actual replace works fine the first time, and it's not harming anything on
subsequent runs so I guess it's mostly a cosmetic issue, but still I am
trying to keep changes to, you know, actual changes.

I am wondering if this is from the variable used in the line file
("inventory_hostname"). Any ideas? Or is this bug report worthy?

Version of Ansible:

Playbook snippet:
- name: configure hostname for checks
   dest: '/etc/monit.d/system.conf'
   regexp: '^check system'
   line: 'check system {{ inventory_hostname }}'

Original file:
check system test
   if MEMORY > 80% for 6 cycles then alert
   if LOADAVG(15min) > 20 for 12 cycles then alert
   if SWAP > 20% for 6 cycles then alert

File after first run (and all subsequent runs):
check system
   if MEMORY > 80% for 6 cycles then alert
   if LOADAVG(15min) > 20 for 12 cycles then alert
   if SWAP > 20% for 6 cycles then alert

I cannot reproduce this with the exact same files you provided.
For me it works fine as expected with v1.9.4 and v2.0.0.2.
Only the first run reports a change, subsequent runs return ok.

I wonder what might be different that could influence the behaviour.


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