At the moment I don't think there's anything in the windows modules that 
will help with this.  If anyone knows better please say but I think today 
--check and --diff aren't implemented for windows modules.

However, it might be possible to make use of the --check and --diff 
playbook command line arguments if you first fetch the files that you care 
about back to the controller and then use copy tasks (which won't actually 
copy in --check mode).

There's a thread here describing this!topic/ansible-project/6xkSE1nxIOU

That said, as you've pointed out comparing files in powershell is pretty 
straightforward so there's no reason why win_copy couldn't be changed to 
implement --check and --diff modes.

Hope this helps,


On Tuesday, 23 February 2016 11:29:48 UTC, Mark Matthews wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to find an way Ansible can not only alert me of a change in a 
> file but exactly what was changed in that file.
> I am currently using win_stat play bookk to check the host file of a 
> server and let me know if anything has changed. This works great, cut it 
> only tells me if something has changed, it doesn;t tell me what has changed 
> in the file.
> ---
> - name: Check Host file
>   hosts: all
>   tasks:
>      - name: stat the hosts file
>        win_stat:
>          path: C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
>        register: hosts_fileinfo
>      - name: show hosts file stats for debugging purposes
>        debug:
>          var: hosts_fileinfo
>      - name: Fail if Host File Missing
>        fail:
>          msg: "WEB.CONFIG file is missing"
>        when: hosts_fileinfo.stat.exists != true
>      - name: Fail if Host File Modified
>        fail:
>          msg: "HOSTS file has been modified"
>        when: hosts_fileinfo.stat.checksum != 
> "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
> I am looking for something that the following Powershell script does.
> As you can see it has picked up that there is a difference between the two 
> files and it then shows me where the difference is.
> PS H:\> *Compare-Object -ReferenceObject (Get-Content 
> C:\Temp\applicationHost.config) -DifferenceObject (Get-Content 
>  C:\Temp\applicationHost_2.config)*
> InputObject                                                               
>                            SideIndicator                                   
> -----------                                                               
>                            -------------                                   
>             <section name="applicationPool" allowDefinition="AppHostOnly" 
> overrideModeDefault="De... =>                                               
>             <section name="applicationPools" allowDefinition="AppHostOnly" 
> overrideModeDefault="D... <=              
> Any help with this would be really appreciated.
> Cheers
> Mark

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