Ok, I figured this out. This is how I did it:

## This playbook installs and configures AD authentication

- name: Install and configure AD authentication
  hosts: linux
  remote_user: root

    - name: install ad_auth required tools
      yum: pkg={{ item }} state=installed
        - realmd
        - sssd
        - oddjob-mkhomedir
        - adcli
        - samba-common-tools
        - python-pip

    - name: install pexpect using pip
      shell: /bin/bash -c "pip install pexpect"

    - name: discover realm
      shell: /bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/realm discover AD.DOMAIN.TLD"

    - name: join system to UNIX OU
        command: /bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/realm join AD.DOMAIN.TLD 
--computer-ou=OU=LINUX,DC=domain,DC=tld --user=admin_user"
          Password for Administrator: "password123"

    - name: modify /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
      template: src=/home/user/git/system_configs/ansible/templates/sssd.j2 
        - restart sssd

    - name: restart sssd
      service: name=sssd state=restarted

Now I just have to figure out how to encrypt the password.

On Monday, February 29, 2016 at 10:43:08 PM UTC-5, Gilberto Valentin wrote:
> I have a playbook that installs the appropriate packages for Active 
> Directory Authentication. When it gets to the "join" portion, Ansible just 
> sits there because the join process is asking the user for the password of 
> the account that has access to join the system to Active Directory. How can 
> I pass my password from vars_prompt? I have highlighted where I call the 
> variable but I know that is the wrong place since it's going to try to pass 
> it to my "realm join" command, which isn't supported. I only added it there 
> to show I want to call it after the "realm join" portion is called.
> Here is my playbook:
> ---
> ## This playbook installs and configures AD authentication
> - name: Install and configure AD authentication
>   hosts: linux
>   remote_user: root
>   vars_prompt:
>     - name: "ad_password"
>       prompt: "Enter AD Domain User Password"
>       private: yes
>   tasks:
>     - name: install ad_auth required tools
>       yum: pkg={{ item }} state=installed
>       with_items:
>         - realmd
>         - sssd
>         - oddjob-mkhomedir
>         - adcli
>         - samba-common-tools
>     - name: discover and join domain
>       shell: realm discover AD.DOMAIN.TLD && realm join AD.DOMAIN.TLD
>                 --computer-ou=OU=LINUX,DC=DOMAIN,DC=TLD --user=user_name {{ 
> ad_password }}
>     - name: modify /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
>       template: 
> src=/home/user_name/git/system_configs/ansible/templates/sssd.j2 
> dest=/etc/sssd/sssd.conf
>       notify:
>         - restart sssd
>   handlers:
>     - name: restart sssd
>       service: name=sssd state=restarted
> This is the error I get after running it:
> [user_name@server_name playbooks]$ ansible-playbook adAuth_asRoot.yaml 
> --user=root --ask-pass
> SSH password:
> Enter AD Domain User Password:
> PLAY [Install and configure AD authentication] 
> ********************************
> ***************************************************************
> ok: [ansible]
> TASK: [install ad_auth required tools] 
> ****************************************
> ok: [ansible] => 
> (item=realmd,sssd,oddjob-mkhomedir,adcli,samba-common-tools)
> TASK: [discover and join domain] 
> **********************************************
> failed: [ansible] => {"changed": true, "cmd": "realm discover 
> AD.DOMAIN.TLD && realm join AD.DOMAIN.TLD 
> --computer-ou=OU=LINUX,DC=DOMAIN,DC=TLD --user=user_name ad_password", 
> "delta": "0:00:00.053695", "end": "2016-02-29 20:39:40.764101", "rc": 2, 
> "start": "2016-02-29 20:39:40.710406", "warnings": []}
> stderr: realm: Specify one realm to join
> stdout: domain.tld
>   type: kerberos
>   realm-name: DOMAIN.TLD
>   domain-name: domain.tld
>   configured: no
>   server-software: active-directory
>   client-software: sssd
>   required-package: oddjob
>   required-package: oddjob-mkhomedir
>   required-package: sssd
>   required-package: adcli
>   required-package: samba-common
> FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
> ********************************************************************
>            to retry, use: --limit @/home/user_name/adAuth_asRoot.yaml.retry
> ansible                    : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1
> Is there a better way to provide passwords when certain tasks call for it?

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