Thanks for the answer. I figured i should always quote and use double 
slashes to be on safe side.
I am still stuck with problem number 3. can you help me with that  ?

On Thursday, 17 March 2016 15:37:15 UTC+5:30, J Hawkesworth wrote:
> I don't have any experience of using symlinks on windows, but my advice 
> for construction windows paths (assuming you are using ansible 2.0 or 
> later) is...
> 1/ If you need to double quote your path names, then always use double 
> backslash for the path separator
> So 
> win_stat: "path=E:\\folder\\link.exe"
> 2/ I would also advise using the 'yaml style' way of supplying module 
> parameters, rather than using the key=value style, if only because 'yaml 
> style' makes you put 1 parameter per line, which often means you don't need 
> to use any quotes at all for hard-coded windows paths:
> So like this (yaml style parameter)
> win_stat:
>    path: E:\folder\link.exe
> Hope this helps,
> Jon
> On Wednesday, 16 March 2016 10:01:39 UTC, ishan jain wrote:
>> 4) I have a file symbolic link E:\folder\link.exe pointing to an exe file 
>> and this link is not actively in use by a process. So when i use
>>  win_stat: path="E:\folder\link.exe"
>> i get an answer that it does not exist.
>>  "msg": {
>>         "changed": false,
>>         "stat": {
>>             "exists": false
>>         }
>>     }
>> But when i use:
>>  win_stat: path="E:\\folder\\link.exe"
>> I get a proper result.
>> Probably related to the above questions, but *what is the proper syntax 
>> to specify a path here ?*
>> On Wednesday, 16 March 2016 15:26:05 UTC+5:30, ishan jain wrote:
>>> I am trying to gather custom facts for a windows 2012 R2 server while 
>>> avoiding to write powershell scripts. win_stat is something that can 
>>> apparently be very useful to me but i am getting confused about its exact 
>>> behavior.
>>> I have a file structure like this:
>>> E:\
>>> E:\link1
>>> E:\folder\link2
>>> E:\folder\link2\some_dir\link3.jar
>>> Link1 and 2 are directory symbolic links and link3 is a file symbolic 
>>> link and is currently active in a java process. I am trying to check if 
>>> these links exists or not via this kink of script:
>>> ---
>>> - hosts: windows
>>>   tasks:
>>>     - name: check symbolic links
>>>       win_stat: path=E:\link1
>>>       register: result
>>>       ignore_errors: yes
>>>     - debug: msg="{{result}}"
>>> I expect to check something like result.stats.attributes == ReparsePoint 
>>> to see if this indeed is a symlink. But i am getting some varied results 
>>> when i execute the script for the above folder structure which are listed 
>>> below. I will try to mark my questions with a number.
>>> 1) First question, is this a good solution to check for directory n file 
>>> symbolic link or is there a better one ?
>>> 2) Problem with the reporting of directory symbolic link
>>> win_stat: path=E:\link1 
>>> or 
>>> win_stat: path=E:\link1\  
>>> or
>>> win_stat: path="E:\link1"
>>> These statements, when the symlink is at the root level of a drive, 
>>> gives me an error that this link does not exist while it is there:
>>>  "msg": {
>>>         "changed": false,
>>>         "stat": {
>>>             "exists": false
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>> When i change it to:
>>> win_stat: path="E:\\test"
>>> It works perfectly fine with output:
>>>  "msg": {
>>>         "changed": false,
>>>         "stat": {
>>>             "attributes": "Directory, ReparsePoint",
>>>             "creationtime": 1458045768.6789002,
>>>             "exists": true,
>>>             "extension": "",
>>>             "isdir": true,
>>>             "lastaccesstime": 1458045768.6789002,
>>>             "lastwritetime": 1458045768.6789002,
>>>             "owner": "BUILTIN\\Administrators"
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>> While the similar statements for the directory symlink inside a folder
>>> win_stat: path=E:\folder\link2
>>> or
>>> win_stat: path="E:\folder\link2"
>>> or
>>> win_stat: path="E:\\folder\\link2"
>>> or
>>> win_stat: path=E:\\folder\\link2
>>> or
>>> win_stat: path=E:\folder\\link2 (notice only one \\)
>>> They all seems to be working fine. *So what exactly is the syntax here 
>>> so that it will work at all levels ?*
>>> 3) Problems with file symbolic links that are in use 
>>> For the statements:
>>> win_stat: path=E:\folder\link2\some_dir\link3.jar
>>> I get the following error because the file is actively in use:
>>> "msg": {
>>>         "changed": false,
>>>         "exception": "At 
>>> C:\\Users\\Ishan\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ansible-tmp-1458122016.24-112690440585191\\win_stat.ps1:231
>>> char:9\r\n+         $fp = [System.IO.File]::Open($path, 
>>> [System.IO.Filemode]::Open, [System. ...\r\n+ 
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~",
>>>         "failed": true,
>>>         "msg": "Exception calling \"Open\" with \"3\" argument(s): \"The 
>>> process cannot access the file 'E:\\folder\\link2\\some_dir\\link3.jar' 
>>> because it is being used by another process.\""
>>>     }
>>> *How can i make sure that the file link in use can at least be read so 
>>> that i can know more about it ?*

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