That's it! Thank you!

To avoid being "that guy", here is the working playbook:

- hosts: dbserver
  remote_user: jlouthan
      - name: Get current timestamp
        local_action: command bash -c 'date +%Y-%m-%d.%H%M'
        # Consider switch this to a shell module with date command
        register: timestamp
        run_once: true

      - debug: var=timestamp.stdout

      - name: Get current datestamp
        local_action: command bash -c 'date +%Y-%m-%d'
        # Consider switch this to a shell module with date command
        register: datestamp
        run_once: true

      - debug: var=datestamp.stdout

      - name: Backup dbname Database
        mysql_db: "state=dump name=dbname target=~jlouthan/dbname.{{ 
timestamp.stdout }}.sql"
        become: yes
        become_method: sudo

      - name: See the DB Backups
        shell: ls -la ~jlouthan/ | grep {{ datestamp.stdout }}
        register: dumpdb

      - debug: var=dumpdb.stdout_lines

      - name: Make sure that the dbname DB Backups look good before you 

This playbook:

   1. *Gets current date and time stamps from the remote machine (as oppose 
   to the local machine that is running Ansible*. Something to keep in mind 
   if you have servers in different timezones) - *Note: the debug lines for 
   date and time stamps are merely there for me to see what stamp should I be 
   2. *Backup database using the timestamp within the resulting file name*
   3. *Double check using just the datestamp (as oppose to the fulltime 
   stamp) and making sure that the backup looks good*

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