You can reference variables within variables.

# group_vars/all
apple: JameslikesApples
banana: IwentToSanFrancisco

# group_vars/thing1
basket: {{ apple }}

# group_vars/thing2
basket: {{ banana }}

Then, you can reference {{ basket }} in  your playbook or template:

# site.yml
  - name: my basket is cool
    debug: msg="My basket says, {{ basket }}"

Which would translate to 
For all hosts in group `thing1`: "My basket says, JameslikesApples"
For all hosts in group `thing2`: "My basket says, IwentToSanFrancisco"

On Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 1:23:37 PM UTC-4, Pr0fess0rM wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I have a variable {{ basket }} and it has a string for contents. The 
> contents will change every time I run the playbook and I need a way to 
> translate the contents of the basket, let's say "apple" to another name, 
> let's say "JameslikesApples". But if the contents were "banana" it would 
> have a completely different translation like "IwentToSanFrancisco". 
> I've made a dictionary declaring "apple: 'JameslikesApples'" and on the 
> next line: "banana: 'IwentToSanFrancisco'". I need to be able to reference 
> "JameslikesApples" in a shell command and I just can't see a way around it. 
> I've tried {{ {{ basket }} }} but Ansible doesn't accept the quadruple 
> braces.
> Any and all help is appreciated!

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