
If I use the handler incorrectly, please let me know.

I'm using Ansible a quiet while and recently migrated from 1.9 to
My target host is CentOS 6.5
I try to follow the documentation, but can't make the handlers work.

The playbook structure is generated by ansible-galaxy init projectname,
and I use the following logic:
site.yml has lines something like:

  - name: single node setup of projectname
      - vars/main.yml
    hosts: node01
    become: true
     - base

Logical structure:

└── roles
      └── base
          └── tasks
             └── main.yml

Example line in main.yml:

 - name: configure iptables rules
   template: src=iptables_config.j2 dest=/etc/sysconfig/iptables owner=root 
group=root mode=0600
    - iptables restart

In roles directory I have a task with main.yml, and from that main.yml I 
add package configuration with template.
When the template is updated, I have a handler called, but for some reason 
it's not executed.

Handlers are in same level as site.yml:

└── handlers
    └── main.yml

Example line in handlers/main.yml:

- name: iptables restart
  service: name=iptables state=restarted

I expect the handler take action when the template updates the iptables 
configuration file, but it's never called.
This issue is not specific to the above example.



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