That was brilliant Kai, it worked for me very well.

To add some more info, i did it like this:


    - template: src=/opt/report.txt dest=/opt/reports/linux_report.txt
      run_once: true


List of linux hosts checked:
{% for i in play_hosts %} 
{{ i }}: Username - {{ hostvars[i].ansible_user }}, Hostname - {{ 
hostvars[i].ansible_host }}
{% endfor %}

Check if OS version is {{linuxDistribution}} version 
{% for i in play_hosts %}
{% if linuxDistribution == hostvars[i].ansible_distribution and 
linuxDistributionVersion == hostvars[i].ansible_distribution_version %}
{{ i }}: Success - OS version - {{linuxDistribution}} version 
{% else %}
{{ i }}: Failed - Found OS version {{ hostvars[i].ansible_distribution }} 
version {{hostvars[i].ansible_distribution_version }}against required 
{{linuxDistribution}} version {{linuxDistributionVersion}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %} 

On Thursday, 21 July 2016 15:27:47 UTC+5:30, Kai Stian Olstad wrote:
> On 21.07.2016 10:11, Kai Stian Olstad wrote: 
> > On 21.07.2016 09:32, ishan jain wrote: 
> > 
> >> - I do not have extensive knowledhe of jinja2 templates and seems like 
> >> i 
> >> will have to learn a few things to create a report template 
> > 
> > It will be rewarding in the end, you can do a lot of things with 
> > jinja2 and templates. 
> Had some spare time at lunch and wrote a mockup to show one way to 
> accomplish this. 
> *Playbook:* 
> --- 
> - hosts: all 
>    tasks: 
>    - name: Check if reboot is needed 
>      stat: path=/var/run/reboot-required 
>      register: need_reboot 
>    - name: Generate report 
>      template: 
>        src=report.j2 
>        dest=report.txt 
>      deletate_to: localhost 
>      run_once: true 
> *report.j2:* 
> Check 1 need reboot 
> {% for i in play_hosts | sort %} 
> {{ i }}: {{ hostvars[i]['need_reboot']['stat']['exists'] | 
> ternary('Yes', 'No') }} 
> {% endfor %} 
> Check 2 swap used 
> {% for i in play_hosts | sort %} 
> {{ i }}: {{ hostvars[i]['ansible_memory_mb']['swap']['used'] }} MB 
> {% endfor %} 
> Not tested, so bug can exist. 
> -- 
> Kai Stian Olstad 

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