On 10. aug. 2016 16:57, Enjoy The Silence wrote:
I've made some changes in the script. I still need some help with the

Here is the updated code.
  - name: Get Hitachi Devices device details
    shell: lsscsi | grep HITACHI | awk '{print $6}'
    register: hitachiDevice

  - name: Check if the volume is partitioned
    shell: ls -l "{{ hitachiDevice.stdout }}"* | wc -l
    failed_when: hitachiDevice.rc != 1

Here is the error:
FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "ls -l \"/dev/sdg\"* | wc -l", "delta":
"0:00:00.010330", "end": "2016-08-10 17:35:34.819617", "failed": true,
"failed_when_result": true, "rc": 0, "start": "2016-08-10 17:35:34.809287",
"stderr": "", "stdout": "1", "stdout_lines": ["1"], "warnings": []}

As the message say "failed_when_result": true, so you failed_when triggered. rc = 0 is OK and rc > 0 is an ERROR.

So for you failed_when to make sense it should be != 0.

I also recommend moving the failed_when to the "Get Hitachi Devices device details" task, since it is that task that fails it will be more clear and you debugging would be easier.

Kai Stian Olstad

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