Hello all, I'm veyr new on ansible and currently trying to make some 
automation with mount. Should be veyr simple, but please take a look at 
This is part of my playbook:
 - mount:
     name: "{{ instance.value.mount }}"
     src: "/dev/{{ instance.value.volume }}/{{ instance.key }}"
     state: present
     fstype: ext4
 - mount:
     name: "{{ instance.value.mount }}"
     src: "/dev/{{instance.value.volume }}/{{ instance.key }}"
     state: mounted
     fstype: ext4

Whenever I run this, the first mount works as expected (creating the line 
on /etc/fstab), however, the second mount fails with:
fatal: [brsptla0101]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": 
"Error mounting /u01/diebs01: /bin/mount: invalid option -- 'T'\nUsage: 
mount -V                 : print version\n       mount -h                 : 
print this help\n       mount                    : list mounted 
filesystems\n       mount -l                 : idem, including volume 
labels\nSo far the informational part. Next the mounting.\nThe command is 
`mount [-t fstype] something somewhere'.\nDetails found in /etc/fstab may 
be omitted.\n       mount -a [-t|-O] ...     : mount all stuff from 
/etc/fstab\n       mount device             : mount device at the known 
place\n       mount directory          : mount known device here\n       
mount -t type dev dir    : ordinary mount command\nNote that one does not 
really mount a device, one mounts\na filesystem (of the given type) found 
on the device.\nOne can also mount an already visible directory tree 
elsewhere:\n       mount --bind olddir newdir\nor move a subtree:\n       
mount --move olddir newdir\nOne can change the type of mount containing the 
directory dir:\n       mount --make-shared dir\n       mount --make-slave 
dir\n       mount --make-private dir\n       mount --make-unbindable 
dir\nOne can change the type of all the mounts in a mount 
subtree\ncontaining the directory dir:\n       mount --make-rshared dir\n   
    mount --make-rslave dir\n       mount --make-rprivate dir\n       mount 
--make-runbindable dir\nA device can be given by name, say /dev/hda1 or 
/dev/cdrom,\nor by label, using  -L label  or by uuid, using  -U uuid 
.\nOther options: [-nfFrsvw] [-o options] [-p passwdfd].\nFor many more 
details, say  man 8 mount .\n"}

I thinks it's passing -T instead of -t, how can I fix this?
The only workaround I found is to use the shell command to mount the 

I'm using ansible 2.2.0

Thank you.

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