On 25.01.2017 23:37, mark.to...@dsv.com wrote:
I have a problem where a line that contains a certain space delimited
string must exist in a file.  The string can be anywhere in the line:
start, middle, or end. If a line that contains that string does not exist, then a line with that string needs to be inserted into the file. I have been trying to use the lineinfile module to solve this, but so far I have
been unsuccessful.  Below is the code I have tried:

- lineinfile:
dest: "/path/to/myfile"
regexp: '^(.*)(\s*this_string_must_exist)(\s+.*)$'
line: '\g<1> this_string_must_exist\g<3>'
backrefs: true
state: present

I have tried many variations of the regular expression and line, but
nothing I have tried totally achieves what I am looking for.  I have
verified that the regular expression can locate a line with the string
regardless of where the string is within the line, and if such a line is located it is not modified. But I have not been successful in getting a
new line inserted if it does not already exist.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

The reason it doesn't work is explained in the documentation.


In the comments about the backrefs:
"... and if the regexp doesn't match anywhere in the file, the file will be left unchanged."

So you'll need to find a way to do it without backrefs: yes if you are going to use lineinfile.

Kai Stian Olstad

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