Hello Everyone,

i'm trying to setup one of my mac machine using ansible playbook and i want 
to install cordova as part of dependencies. i have wrote a playbook and 
even tried to call some roles which are available in ansible-galaxy. but 
for all of them i'm getting the below error. please let me know where i'm 
doing wrong. 

Thanks in advance. 

*Error: *
TASK [martinmicunda.ionic : Install Cordova] 
fatal: [**]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "Failed 
to find required executable npm in paths: 

*My Playbook: *

*---- hosts: all  sudo: yes  roles:    - martinmicunda.ionic    - 
martinmicunda.nodejs  vars:     applications:      - firefox      - 
google-chrome      - skype      - sublime-text3     install_oh_my_zsh: 
 true     brew_taps:      - caskroom/cask      - caskroom/versions      - 
homebrew/binary      - homebrew/dupes      - homebrew/versions    
 brew_utils:      - autoconf      - android-sdk      - autojump      - 
bash      - boot2docker      - brew-cask      - cowsay      - coreutils    
  - findutils      - git      - go      - gpg      - node      - npm      - 
openssl      - python      - rsync      - ruby-build - openssl      - 
python      - rsync      - ruby-build      - vim      - wget      - zsh    
  - treezsh_path: /usr/local/bin/zshhome: "{{ lookup('env','HOME') }}"  
tasks:        - name: Install "cordova"  node.js package on latest version  
     npm:        name: cordova        state: latest  - name: Check Homebrew 
is installed        stat: path=/usr/local/bin/brew        register: 
brew_installed      - name: Install Homebrew        shell: ruby -e "$(curl 
-fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)"      - name: 
Instal required Homebrew Taps        shell: brew tap {{ item }}        
with_items: brew_taps      - name: Check homebrew-cask is installed        
stat: path=/usr/local/bin/brew-cask.rb        register: 
brew_cask_installed      - name: Install homebrew-cask        shell: brew 
install brew-cask        when: brew_cask_installed.stat.exists == false    
 # - name: Install Cordova       # npm:        #executable: 
"~/.local/bin/npm"         # name=cordova          #state=present          
#global=yes          #version=6.5.0          #become: yes          
#become_user: builder### UTILS      - name: Install libraries/utils with 
homebrew        homebrew: name={{ item }} state=present        with_items: 
brew_utils      - name: Cleanup after brewing        shell: brew cleanup    
### APPZ      - name: Check for installed apps(casks)        shell: brew 
cask list | grep {{ item }}        register: installed_applications        
with_items: applications        ignore_errors: true      - name: Install 
Apps with brew-cask shell: brew cask install {{ item }}        with_items: 
applications        when: "{{ item not in 
installed_applications.results|map(attribute='stdout') }}"    # Caveats: 
megasync only works if called from /Applications      - name: Linking 
MEGASync with brew-cask        shell: ln -s 
'/Applications/MEGAsync.app'        when: "'megasync' in applications"      
  ignore_errors: true # hacky    ### ZSH radness      - name: Determine if 
zsh is default/current shell        shell: echo $SHELL        register: 
current_shell      - name: Enable zsh in /etc/shells        shell: sudo 
/bin/sh -c 'grep -q "{{ zsh_path }}" /etc/shells || echo "{{ zsh_path }}" 
>> /etc/shells'        when: current_shell.stdout != '/usr/local/bin/zsh'  
    #" unbreak my syntax highlighting...      - name: Set zsh as default 
shell        shell: chsh -s {{ zsh_path }}        when: 
current_shell.stdout != '/usr/local/bin/zsh'        sudo: true      - name: 
Use GNU tools instead of osx counterparts (grep find etc)        shell: 
echo 'export PATH=$(brew --prefix coreutils)/libexec/gnubin:$PATH' >> 
~/.zshrc      - name: Install oh-my-zsh        git: 
repo=https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh dest=~/.oh-my-zsh        
sudo: false        when: install_oh_my_zsh == true        tags: 

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