I'm having the same issue. Updating the image URL, or even updating a 
volume name doesn't create a new revision. Appreciate any pointers.


On Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at 6:56:01 PM UTC-5, Brian Jackson wrote:
> If nothing has changed on the second run then it's behaving correctly. I'm 
> have a related problem (which lead me to this thread) where I do change the 
> definition in the playbook but Ansible doesn't create a new revision.  In 
> my case I'm updating the tag in the image. In your example I'd be updating 
> image: "http:2.4"
> to 
> image: "http:2.5"
> Has anyone else seen this issue before?
> On Thursday, June 30, 2016 at 9:38:14 AM UTC-7, Niko Ruotsalainen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to use ecs_taskdefinition module to create task definitions to 
>> ECS.
>> I'm using example from 
>> https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/ecs_taskdefinition_module.html
>> ---
>> - hosts: localhost
>>   tasks:
>>     - name: "Create task definition"
>>       ecs_taskdefinition:
>>         containers:
>>         - name: simple-app
>>           cpu: 10
>>           essential: true
>>           image: "httpd:2.4"
>>           memory: 300
>>           mountPoints:
>>           - containerPath: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs
>>             sourceVolume: my-vol
>>           portMappings:
>>           - containerPort: 80
>>             hostPort: 80
>>         - name: busybox
>>           command:
>>             - "echo 'LOL'"
>>           cpu: 10
>>           entryPoint:
>>           - sh
>>           - "-c"
>>           essential: false
>>           image: busybox
>>           memory: 200
>>           volumesFrom:
>>           - sourceContainer: simple-app
>>         volumes:
>>         - name: my-vol
>>         family: test-cluster-taskdef
>>         state: present
>>       register: task_output
>>     - debug: var=task_output
>> And output is:
>> $ ansible-playbook playbooks/create-ecs-taskdefinition.yml
>> PLAY [localhost] 
>> ***************************************************************
>> TASK [setup] 
>> *******************************************************************
>> ok: [localhost]
>> TASK [Create task definition] 
>> **************************************************
>> ok: [localhost]
>> TASK [debug] 
>> *******************************************************************
>> ok: [localhost] => {
>>     "task_output": {
>>         "changed": false,
>>         "taskdefinition": {
>>             "containerDefinitions": [
>>                 {
>>                     "cpu": 10,
>>                     "environment": [],
>>                     "essential": true,
>>                     "image": "httpd:2.4",
>>                     "memory": 300,
>>                     "mountPoints": [
>>                         {
>>                             "containerPath": "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs",
>>                             "sourceVolume": "my-vol"
>>                         }
>>                     ],
>>                     "name": "simple-app",
>>                     "portMappings": [
>>                         {
>>                             "containerPort": 80,
>>                             "hostPort": 80,
>>                             "protocol": "tcp"
>>                         }
>>                     ],
>>                     "volumesFrom": []
>>                 },
>>                 {
>>                     "command": [
>>                         "echo 'LOL'"
>>                     ],
>>                     "cpu": 10,
>>                     "entryPoint": [
>>                         "sh",
>>                         "-c"
>>                     ],
>>                     "environment": [],
>>                     "essential": false,
>>                     "image": "busybox",
>>                     "memory": 200,
>>                     "mountPoints": [],
>>                     "name": "busybox",
>>                     "portMappings": [],
>>                     "volumesFrom": [
>>                         {
>>                             "sourceContainer": "simple-app"
>>                         }
>>                     ]
>>                 }
>>             ],
>>             "family": "test-cluster-taskdef",
>>             "revision": 1,
>>             "status": "ACTIVE",
>>             "taskDefinitionArn": 
>> "arn:aws:ecs:eu-west-1:123456789012:task-definition/test-cluster-taskdef:1",
>>             "volumes": [
>>                 {
>>                     "host": {},
>>                     "name": "my-vol"
>>                 }
>>             ]
>>         }
>>     }
>> }
>> *********************************************************************
>> localhost                  : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0   
>>  failed=0
>> So far all good. But when I run script again, it does not create new 
>> revision of task definition what I would expect to happen and output is 
>> exactly the same. Am I missing something or is this some kind of bug?
>> $ ansible --version
>> ansible
>> I also tried creating task definition with AWS CLI and it work as 
>> expected. Second run create new revision of task definition. So thats why 
>> I'm asking this question here.
>> BR,
>> Niko

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