Those variables are set on localhost , not kfkahost0.

Why don't you just put your kafka host in a group and use group_vars?

On 7 May 2017 at 20:41,  <> wrote:
> I am trying to pass a variables to the hosts in a play
> - name: include vars
>   hosts: localhost
>   connection: local
>   tasks:
>     - include_vars:
>         dir: '../group_vars'
>         depth: 1
> - name: debug
>   hosts: localhost
>   connection: local
>   tasks:
>     - debug: msg="{{ kfkahost0 }}"
> - name: Create topic
>   hosts: "{{ kfkahost0 }}"
>   tasks:
>    # - name: include vars
>    # - include_vars: dir="../group_vars" depth="1"
>           #dir: '../group_vars'
>           #depth: 1
>     - shell: ./app/bin/kafka/bin/ --zookeeper {{ zkhost0
> }}:2181 --create --topic {{ topic }} --partitions {{ partition }}
> --replication-factor {{ rpfactor }}
>                                                                      42,3
> Bot
> in the debug step i see the hostname comes out in the msg fine
> but in the next play it says kfkahost0 is undefined.
> --
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