This was discussed in another thread. Seems to be a bug in the 
"include_role" module

On Friday, May 26, 2017 at 12:14:48 AM UTC+2, Michael Ströder wrote:
> HI! 
> I want to use the following task (with ansible ansible- 
> - name: "Install web2ldap on {{ openldap_role }}" 
>   include_role: 
>     name: web2ldap 
>     private: False 
>   vars: 
>     web_server: "apache2" 
>     web2ldap_pip_index_url: "{{ aedir_pip_index_url }}" 
>     web2ldap_pip_needs_compiler: "{{ aedir_pip_needs_compiler }}" 
>     web2ldap_pip_extra_args: "{{ aedir_pip_extra_args }}" 
>   when: openldap_role=="provider" 
> The role sets some vars that are used in later tasks. 
> If I execute the role itself before another role in the same playbook 
> web2ldap's vars are 
> present an can be used. But not with the include_role task above. 
> Any hint what's going on is highly appreciated. 
> Ciao, Michael. 

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