
I am using ansible-playbook at a script and passing password to t. Below is 
how i used it:




/bin/expect <<- DONE
        spawn ansible-playbook -i $1 $2 -u $Username -k --become-user root 
--become-method sudo --become
        expect "SSH password: "
        send "$Password\r"
        expect eof

$ bash run.sh test.txt test/playbook.yml

# cat cyberark.txt 

# bash run.sh foo.txt test/playbook.yml
spawn ansible-playbook -i test.txt foo/playbook.yml -u testuser -k 
--become-user root --become-method sudo --become
SSH password: 

PLAY [Swap operations] 

TASK [setup] 
ok: [FOO01]

TASK [swap_ops : swapoff] 
changed: [FOO01]

TASK [swap_ops : swapon] 
changed: [FOO01]

PLAY [Swap operations] 

TASK [setup] 
ok: [FOO02]

TASK [swap_ops : swapoff] 
changed: [FOO02]

TASK [swap_ops : swapon] 
changed: [FOO02]

PLAY [Swap operations] 

TASK [setup] 
ok: [FOO03]

TASK [swap_ops : swapoff] 

Any idea why the playbook is ended at the 3rd one? when i use a inventory 
with two hosts, everything is fine. When the number of hosts in inventory 
increases, ansible is ending at some hosts.

It may be because of spawn usage. Any solution will be appreciated.

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