I have a blockinfile task that sets some lines in /etc/ufw/before.rules,
and which notifies handler to reload ufw if the task registers a change. I
was running it on a host and noticed that I had the same prerouting rule
from before.rules multiple times, so I took a closer look at the task as I
was running it, and I noticed that it keeps triggering every time it runs.

Here are mytasks the add pre and post routing rules to

- name: set nat and port forwarding start section
    dest: /etc/ufw/before.rules
    marker: "# {mark} bbg nat rules"
    insertbefore: "# Don't delete these required lines, otherwise there
will be errors"
    block: |
      # NAT table rules
  when: firewall.nat is defined or firewall.pf is defined
    - reload ufw

- name: set individual port forwarding rules if specified
    dest: /etc/ufw/before.rules
    insertafter: "# END bbg nat rules"
    marker: "# {mark} {{ item.desc|default(omit) }}"
    block: |
      # Forward port for {{ item.desc }}
      -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport {{ item.src_port }} -j REDIRECT
--to-port {{ item.dst_port }}
  with_items: "{{ firewall.pf|default(omit) }}"
  when: firewall.pf is defined
    - reload ufw

- name: set individual nat rules if specified
    dest: /etc/ufw/before.rules
    insertbefore: "# BEGIN bbg nat rules commit"
    marker: "# {mark} {{ item.desc|default(omit) }}"
    block: |
      # Forward traffic through {{ item.out_in|default(eth0) }} - Change to
match you out-interface for {{ item.desc|default(omit) }}
      -A POSTROUTING -s {{ item.source|default("") }} -d {{
item.dest|default("") }} -o {{ item.out_in|default(eth0) }} -j
  with_items: "{{ firewall.nat|default(omit) }}"
  when: firewall.nat is defined
    - reload ufw

- name: set nat rules commit if specified
    dest: /etc/ufw/before.rules
    marker: "# {mark} bbg nat rules commit"
    insertbefore: "# Don't delete these required lines, otherwise there
will be errors"
    block: |
      # don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these nat table rules won't
      # be processed
  when: firewall.nat is defined or firewall.pf is defined
    - reload ufw

The rule that keeps triggering is the 2nd one, set individual port
forwarding rules if specified.

I can't see that it's changing anything in the file after it initially adds
the lines, and in fact I did a test and ran a checksum against the file
before and after running the playbook and the checksum value was the same,
so it hasn't changed the file in any way.

Can anyone explain why it keeps triggering and running the ufw reload?


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