There is currently a Windows Domain user module on PR, perhaps this fits 
your need ?

On Wednesday, July 5, 2017 at 5:53:13 PM UTC+2, anil kumar wrote:
> I am trying to invoke AD commands( I put this into powershellscript) from 
> ansible server. I am using Kerberos in the ansible server for auth. Can you 
> guys help in this issue?
> Below is my powershell script runs on windows server(windows server 2008 
> r2 standard), which is in domain. I am able to run this powershell script 
> fine when I RDP into this machine. But fails when i run this script from 
> powershell.
> ==============================================================================================================================================================================
> param (
> [string]$vm_name
> )
> $grp= -join($vm_name,"_login")
> Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory
> Set-ADGroup -Identity $grp -GroupScope Universal -GroupCategory Security
> Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $grp -Members eoinf-sysadmin
> Below is error message when I run above script from ansible:
> =============================================
>  ansible-playbook winAD.yml --extra-vars "vm_name=marx5075" -vv
> Using /home/athangal/playbooks/ansible.cfg as config file
> PLAYBOOK: winAD.yml 
> ************************************************************
> 1 plays in winAD.yml
> PLAY [win] 
> *********************************************************************
> TASK [raw] 
> *********************************************************************
> task path: /home/athangal/playbooks/winAD.yml:8
> changed: [] => {"changed": true, "rc": 0, "stderr": 
> "Set-ADGroup : Unable to contact the server. This may be because this 
> server \r\ndoes not exist, it is currently down, or it does not have the 
> Active Directory \r\nWeb Services running.\r\nAt 
> C:\\scripts\\setUnvGp.ps1:6 char:1\r\n+ Set-ADGroup -Identity $grp 
> –GroupScope Universal -GroupCategory Security\r\n+ 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\r\n+ 
> CategoryInfo          : ResourceUnavailable: (marx5075_login:ADGroup) [S 
> \r\net-ADGroup], ADServerDownException\r\n+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Unable 
> to contact the server. This may be becaus \r\ne this server does not exist, 
> it is currently down, or it does not have th  \r\ne Active Directory Web 
> Services running.,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Managem   
> \r\nent.Commands.SetADGroup\r\n\r\nAdd-ADGroupMember : Unable to contact 
> the server. This may be because this \r\nserver does not exist, it is 
> currently down, or it does not have the Active \r\nDirectory Web Services 
> running.\r\nAt C:\\scripts\\setUnvGp.ps1:7 char:1\r\n+ Add-ADGroupMember 
> -Identity $grp -Members eoinf-sysadmin\r\n+ 
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\r\n+ 
> CategoryInfo          : ResourceUnavailable: (marx5075_login:ADGroup) [A 
> \r\ndd-ADGroupMember], ADServerDownException\r\n+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 
> Unable to contact the server. This may be becaus \r\ne this server does not 
> exist, it is currently down, or it does not have th  \r\ne Active Directory 
> Web Services running.,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Managem   
> \r\nent.Commands.AddADGroupMember\r\n", "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

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