Hello Jordan,

Thank you very mutch. I had the same raissonement with a custom script.
Yesterday, i created a specifical script to ckeck a groups.

function Get-AdministratorsGroupName {

    $LocalGroup = @('Administrators', 'Administrateurs', 'Domain Admins')

    foreach ($Group in $LocalGroup){
                return $Group
        } catch {}



Le lundi 10 juillet 2017 22:41:57 UTC+2, Jordan Borean a écrit :
> Hey
> One thing you can do is use the win_region module 
> https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/win_region_module.html to change the 
> region of your hosts to a common value. If this isn't what you can do, you 
> can also run an adhoc command to determine the group name based on the SID. 
> Give the below tasks a shot and see if it returns what you are looking for.
> - name: get group name from sid
>>   win_command: powershell.exe "((New-Object 
>> System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier('S-1-5-32-544')).Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
>> -split '\\')[1]"
>>   register: admin_group 
> - debug:
>>     var: admin_group.stdout_lines[0]
> It looks up the group name based on the SID 'S-1-5-32-544' which is the 
> default SID for the local administrators group and should be consistent 
> across all Windows OS'.
> Thanks
> Jordan

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