I was able to resolve this by redoing all of my tasks as follows:

    - name: Install jmespath via pip if missing
        name: jmespath

    - name: run the setup module for some facts about the hardware
        filter: ansible_devices
        - new

    - name: check what drives are available
        device: /dev/{{ item }}
      with_items: "{{ ansible_devices }}"
        - item != 'sr0'
      register: result

    - name: get a list of paritions that are only ntfs
        msg: "{{ item.0.disk.dev }}{{ (item.0.disk.table == 'loop') | 
ternary('', item.1.num) }}"
      when: item.1.fstype == 'ntfs'
        - "{{ result.results }}"
        - partitions

    - name: mount ntfs partitions
        path: "/mnt/{{ item.0.disk.dev }}{{ (item.0.disk.table == 'loop') | 
ternary('', item.1.num) }}"
        src: "{{ item.0.disk.dev }}{{ (item.0.disk.table == 'loop') | 
ternary('', item.1.num) }}"
        fstype: ntfs
        state: mounted
      when: item.1.fstype == 'ntfs'
      # when: results.item.value.partitions.fstype == "ntfs"
        - "{{ result.results }}"
        - partitions

On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 8:42:25 AM UTC-4, Gilberto Valentin wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a playbook that scans for hard drives and mounts them in order to 
> do a backup of the data from those drives. I am able to scan for the drives 
> just fine and I can also mount them (thanks to the Ansible IRC community). 
> The only issue I am having is mounting ONLY when the partition is *fstype: 
> ntfs*. As you can see below, when I run the *parted* module, I can see a 
> key value of *fstype: ntfs*. 
> ok: [localhost] => (item=sda) => {
>     "changed": false,
>     "disk": {
>         "dev": "/dev/sda",
>         "logical_block": 512,
>         "model": "VMware Virtual disk",
>         "physical_block": 512,
>         "size": 33554432.0,
>         "table": "msdos",
>         "unit": "kib"
>     },
>     "invocation": {
>         "module_args": {
>             "align": "optimal",
>             "device": "/dev/sda",
>             "flags": null,
>             "label": null,
>             "name": null,
>             "number": null,
>             "part_end": "100%",
>             "part_start": "0%",
>             "part_type": "primary",
>             "state": "info",
>             "unit": "KiB"
>         }
>     },
>     "item": "sda",
>     "partitions": [
>         {
>             "begin": 1024.0,
>             "end": 308224.0,
>             "flags": [
>                 "boot"
>             ],
>             "fstype": "ntfs",
>             "num": 1,
>             "size": 307200.0,
>             "unit": "kib"
>         },
>         {
>             "begin": 308224.0,
>             "end": 33553408.0,
>             "flags": [],
>             "fstype": "ntfs",
>             "num": 2,
>             "size": 33245184.0,
>             "unit": "kib"
>         }
>     ],
>     "script": "unit 'KiB' print"
> }
> I use the setup module to scan for the devices and the parted module to 
> see the fstype. Thinking about it further, I should probably just use the 
> parted module to get me both since parted does provide both.
> Using *parted* alone without *setup*, how can I tell my mount task to 
> just mount ONLY if the fstype is ntfs? Here is my current playbook:
> ---
> ## This playbook will backup user data from HD's found
> - name: Backup data
> hosts: all
> connection: local
> become: true
> become_user: root
> become_method: su
> #vars_files:
> # - vault.yml
> #remote_user: root
> tasks:
> - name: Install jmespath via pip if missing
> pip:
> name: jmespath
> - name: Check for hard drive devices
> setup:
> filter: ansible_devices
> - name: Check for hard drive devices
> parted: device=/dev/{{ item }}
> register: driveFStype
> with_items: "{{ json_query('*.partitions.keys(@)[]') }}"
> - name:
> mount:
> path: "/mnt/{{ item }}"
> src: "/dev/{{ item }}"
> fstype: ntfs
> state: mounted
> with_items: "{{ ansible_devices | json_query('*.partitions.keys(@)[]') }}"
> The *Check for hard drive device *task above doesn't work. The rest of 
> the tasks do. I was thinking I could do something like this playbook below 
> to get what I want but it doesn't work either:
> ---
> ## This playbook will backup user data from HD's found
> - name: Backup data
> hosts: all
> connection: local
> become: true
> become_user: root
> become_method: su
> #vars_files:
> # - vault.yml
> #remote_user: root
> tasks:
> - name: Install jmespath via pip if missing
> pip:
> name: jmespath
> - name: Check for hard drive fstype
> parted: device=/dev/{{ item }}
> register: whichFS
> with_items: "{{ json_query('*.partitions.fstype.keys(@)[]') }}"
> - name: Check for hard drive devices
> parted: device=/dev/{{ item }}
> register: whichPartition
> with_items: "{{ json_query('*.partitions.keys(@)[]') }}"
> - name:
> mount:
> path: "/mnt/{{ item }}"
> src: "/dev/{{ item }}"
> fstype: ntfs
> state: mounted
> with_items: "{{ ansible_devices | json_query('*.partitions.keys(@)[]') }}"
> when: "{{ whichFS }}" == ntfs
> In summary, I want to mount any device it finds ONLY if it is NTFS

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