hi all. i run a python script on a linux server that produces a report relating 
patch levels and such. it's a fairly simple thing that was requested for audit
purposes. it's a home-grown script. it works fine, and does what it needs to do.
the report it produces is simply sent to stdout.

with the hope of producing a single report covering all of these servers, i have
created a simple playbook which is designed to run the script on all targets,
capture their report via stdout, and add the reports to a single local file via
local_action. sometimes this works, and sometimes it does not. in all cases i
can see that the report is generated (stdout for each target shows on the
ansible controller during task execution). but sometimes all output for a given
target is missing from the local logfile. here is the playbook:

in case it gets munged in email: 

- hosts: all

      - name: run report
        script: pkgReport.py {{ inventory_hostname }}
        register: report

      - name: build local report
            path: "/tmp/pkgReport.txt"
            insertafter: EOF
            line: "{{ item }}"
            state: present
            create: yes
        with_items: "{{ report.stdout.lines }}"

so first question ... can someone point out what i may be doing wrong?
and of course next question ... what is the smartest way of doing this?

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