Forgive me for responding to myself... I just hope that someone in the 
future might find this relevant/useful.

added "changed_when: false" to the shell task.  That took care of the 
idempotent issue I was seeing by overriding the change result.

Still plugging away on the other issue

- name: Disabling NetworkManager in ifcfg-* files
    path: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/{{path_files.stdout_lines}}
    regexp: '^NM_CONTROLLED'
    line: "NM_CONTROLLED=no"

The above is now returning:
TASK [dns_update : Disabling NetworkManager in ifcfg-* files] 
fatal: [ansibletest-rhel7]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, 
"msg": "Destination /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/[u'ifcfg-bond0', 
u'ifcfg-eth0', u'ifcfg-eth1', u'ifcfg-eth2', u'ifcfg-eth3', u'ifcfg-eth4', 
u'ifcfg-eth5', u'ifcfg-lo'] does not exist !", "rc": 257}
fatal: [ansibletest-rhel6]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, 
"msg": "Destination /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/[u'ifcfg-bond0', 
u'ifcfg-eth0', u'ifcfg-eth1', u'ifcfg-eth2', u'ifcfg-eth3', u'ifcfg-eth4', 
u'ifcfg-eth5', u'ifcfg-lo'] does not exist !", "rc": 257}
fatal: [ansibletest-oel6]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, 
"msg": "Destination /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/[u'ifcfg-bond0', 
u'ifcfg-eth0', u'ifcfg-eth1', u'ifcfg-eth2', u'ifcfg-eth3', u'ifcfg-eth4', 
u'ifcfg-eth5', u'ifcfg-lo'] does not exist !", "rc": 257}

Notice the ifcfg* names are messed up.  I am trying to narrow down the 

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