On torsdag 31. august 2017 16.17.06 CEST Konrad Kosewski wrote:
> I have errors Could You help me :D
> - hosts: "{{ variable_hosts | default('all') }}"
>   remote_user: ansible
>   become: yes
>   tasks:
>     - include_vars: users.yml
>     - name: Make sure we have a {{ item.groupname }} group
>       group:
>         name:{{item.groupname}} with_items: '{{groups}}'

You need a space after the colon and you are missing quotes around the 
with_items must be on it own line and indented the same level as group:, 
with_items is a task parameter and not a group module parameter.

>         state: present
>     - name: Allow {{ item.groupname }}  to have passwordless sudo
>       lineinfile:
>         dest: /etc/sudoers
>         state: present
>         regexp: '^%{{ item.groupname }}'
>         line: '%{{ item.groupname }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'
>       when: '{{ item.use_sudo }} == True'

You can't use curly brackets in when, just remove them since they are implied 
in when:.

>       with_items:'{{groups}}'

You are missing a space after colon.

>     - name: Add sudoers users to wheel group
>       user:
>         name: "{{ item.username }}"
>         groups: 'jtendo'
>         append: yes
>         state: present
>         createhome: yes
>         system: yes
>         comment: "Ansible Automation Tool"
>       with_items: '{{users}}'
>     - name: Sudoers or update sudoers file and validate
>       lineinfile: "dest=/etc/sudoers
>         insertafter=EOF
>         line='{{ item.username }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'
>         regexp='^{{ item.username }} .*'
>         state=present"
>       when: '{{ item.use_sudo }} == True'

Remove the curly brackets.

>       with_items:'{{users}}'

Missing space after colon.

Kai Stian Olstad

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