
Thank you in advance for your time and attention.

I am writing a playbook do the following on 6 tomcat servers.

a. start tomcat
b. wait for the app to come up on 
c. complete the play run after the above steps.

I can start tomcat which is not a problem.  I use the service module.

I currently (without ansible) use the following script to test curl -sk -m 
600 -w "\n" 'http://localhost:8080/tellMyVersion/version.jsp'

It works fairly well since I am giving 10 min for curl to time out and that 
url I have put responds in about 7 or 8 mins. (worst case timings)

The output of the curl command is something like (gives out the version of 
the app installed)


With Ansible I want to be able to do this 

On batch tomcat the curl comes back in 4 mins
On webtier tomcat the curl comes back in 6 mins
On backend tomcat the curl takes the longest at 8 mins.

I want to be able to loop thru each of them run the curl command get the 
output and if no response wait.  If I get response I want to go to the next 
server and check that.

I am not sure how to be in a loop going from one tomcat to another based on 
the output.

Please help.


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