On 02. nov. 2017 14:44, Tim Davidson wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to read some .csv files, then create config files for each of
> the .csv files, based on a template. Reading the files is not a problem.
> However, I can't seem to get the destination parameter to work. I would
> like the output file to be the name of the original .csv file with a .xml
> extension.
> ---
> - name: Read the csv files
>    find:
>      paths: /home/sysadmin/TimsTest1/roles/opengear/files
>      patterns: '*.csv'
>    register: files_matched
> - name: Create OpenGear device configs
>    template:
>      src: "opengear8port.j2"
>      dest: "{{ files_matched.files.path | basename |
> regex_replace('csv','xml') }}"
>    with_items: "{{ files_matched.files }}"

When you're using with_items, it takes the first item in files_matched.files 
and put it in the variable called item, so your dest should be

  dest: "{{ item.path | basename | regex_replace('csv','xml') }}"

Regex_replace will overwrite csv in the filename too, to avoid that you can use 
this instead:

  dest: "{{ (item.path | basename).rsplit('.', 1)[0] }}.csv"

Kai Stian Olstad

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