I have the following playbook but have 2 problems:

   1.  The contents of the file are garbled.  Why is that?  How can I clear 
   it up?
   2.  How can I just grab the contents of the file only?  
   {{file_contents.results.content}} complains

- hosts: "{{ host }}"
    - name: Fetch files from remote server
        src: "{{item.src}}"
        - {src: "/etc/security/limits.conf"}
        - {src: "/etc/sysctl.conf"}
        - {src: "/boot/grub/grub.conf"}
      register: file_contents

#    - name: DEBUG
#      debug:
#        var: file_contents

    - name: Write results
        dest: "/tmp/hugepages_results.txt"
        line: "HOST: {{ansible_nodename}} \n{{file_contents.results}}\n"
        insertafter: EOF
        create: yes
        state: present
      delegate_to: localhost

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