HI, no, this doesn't work. You see in you output


This means, that the errors are ignored.
Also the PLAY RECAP shows, that everything is ok, and no tasks failed.
If you add another task after the one already contained, it is still 
executed, but this should no happen...

On Friday, November 3, 2017 at 3:48:25 AM UTC+1, Brian Coca wrote:
> It works for me, using this play: 
> - hosts: localhost 
>  gather_facts: false 
>  vars: 
>    ignore: false 
>  tasks: 
>    - name: with var 
>      assert: 
>        that: 
>          - item < 2 
>      ignore_errors: '{{ignore|bool}}' 
>      with_items: [1,2,3] 
> I get the following output (note the 'ignoring' at the end: 
> ok: [localhost] => (item=1) => { 
>    "changed": false, 
>    "item": 1, 
>    "msg": "All assertions passed" 
> } 
> failed: [localhost] (item=2) => { 
>    "assertion": "item < 2", 
>    "changed": false, 
>    "evaluated_to": false, 
>    "item": 2 
> } 
> failed: [localhost] (item=3) => { 
>    "assertion": "item < 2", 
>    "changed": false, 
>    "evaluated_to": false, 
>    "item": 3 
> } 
> ...ignoring 
> -- 
> ---------- 
> Brian Coca 

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