You don't mention which ansible version you are using, but I think latest 
devel version and possible 2.4.1 has some improvements to argument handling 
for win command.

If you are using an older ansible version, I suggest trying win_shell.  
 Make sure groovy is on your PATH (or use the args: chdir option of 
win_command / win_shell so that the command itself can be found too).

There's a very useful page about how to form windows paths in yaml for 
ansible playbooks recently been added to the documentation 

Hope this helps,


On Monday, November 6, 2017 at 10:30:02 AM UTC, anoop vc wrote:
> Please find my YAML below
> *******************************************************
> ---
> - hosts: all
>   vars:
>   tasks:
>   - name: Save the result of 'whoami' in 'whoami_out'
>     win_command: groovy c:\AnsibletestWorkspace\deploy_latest.groovy
>     register: whoami_out
> ************************************************************************************************
> It adds an additional 
> slash(c:\\AnsibleMaximoWorkspace\\deploy_latest.groovy) to the windows path 
> the tell cannot find the path specified. I tried with backslash then it's 
> not add the double slash but still trown the error path to the file not 
> found. 
> I tried all the different combinations for specfy the path but no luck. 

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