As Jon is saying you are trying to run the win_feature module on localhost 
and not the newly provisioned EC2 server. Here is a very mock playbook that 
you need to follow to get working. Note this is not tested and some things 
could potentially be wrong

- name: provision new EC2 server
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
  - name: provision t2.micro EC2 instance
      aws_access_key: '{{ aws_id }}'
      aws_secret_key: '{{ aws_key }}'
      region: '{{ aws_region }}'
      image: ami-e3bb7399
      instance_type: t2.micro
      count: 1
      vpc_subnet_id: subnet-112b2c3d
      assign_public_ip: yes
    register: ec2_details

  - name: add new t2.micro EC2 instance to Windows group
      name: '{{item.public_ip}}'
      groups: windows
    with_items: '{{ec2_details.instances}}'

- name: install features on new EC2 server
  hosts: windows
  gather_facts: no
  - name: wait for connection to be online

  - name: install IIS Web-Server with sub features and management tools
      name: Web-Server
      state: present
      include_sub_features: yes
      include_management_features: yes
    register: feature_install

  - name: reboot if feature install requires it
    when: feature_install.reboot_required

Just a few notes about this

* Your inventory should contain an empty group calls *windows* that 
contains the connection vars required for it to connect. After provisioning 
the EC2 instance, *add_host *will add the public IP of the newly created 
instances to that group for the next play to work
* The 2nd play which runs on the windows group will first wait for the 
connection to be online, this will actively try and connect over WinRM and 
will fail if that is unsuccessful after a timeout
* The *restart* option of win_feature is deprecated, I've split it out into 
2 tasks using the win_reboot action plugin.



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