This is a bit old (jdk8, tomcat8) and has a few assumptions which might not 
be true for your environment (the jdk and tomcat installers are kept on a 
web server refered to as {{build_server}}.  Its two roles one for the jdk 
and one for tomcat.

Definitely some things could be improved - likely you don't need a jdk, 
only a JRE for a start.  The service restart might not be correct and might 
be better as a handler anyway.

Hopefully this is enough to get you started though.


$:~/roles/win-jdk$ tree -A
├── defaults
│   └── main.yml
└── tasks
    └── main.yml

2 directories, 2 files
$:~/roles/win-jdk$ cat defaults/main.yml
java_major_version: 8
java_minor_version: 73
java_product_id: "{64A3A4F4-B792-11D6-A78A-00B0D0180730}"
$:~/roles/win-jdk$ cat tasks/main.yml
# file: roles/win-jdk/tasks/main.yml
# only assumes win-fft-folders role applied to server
# this role adds java to a server.  Intended to replace win-fft-java role
# Currently intended to supply the same java version for use by all FFT 

# see ../defaults/main.yml for the default versions used
# the defaults can be overriden by setting vars in the playbook, inventory 
or groups

- name: fetch java if needed
  win_get_url: url="{{ build_server }}jdk-{{ java_major_version }}u{{ 
java_minor_version }}-windows-x64.exe" dest="{{ win_deploy_dir }}jdk-{{ 
java_major_version }}u{{ java_minor_version }}-windows-x64.exe" force=no

- name: ensure java installed
    name: "Java SE Development Kit {{ java_major_version }} Update {{ 
java_minor_version }} (64-bit)"
    path: "{{ win_deploy_dir }}jdk-{{ java_major_version }}u{{ 
java_minor_version }}-windows-x64.exe"
    product_id: "{{ java_product_id }}"
    state: present
/L C:\deployment\log\java-installation.log
# added install options based on options here:

win-tomcat8$ cat defaults/main.yml
tomcat_home: C:\Tomcat8
tomcat_installer: apache-tomcat-8.0.35.exe

$:~roles/win-tomcat8$ cat tasks/main.yml
# file: roles/win-tomcat8/tasks/main.yml
# this role adds tomcat 8 if not present
# It also removes default webapps from the installed tomcat 8
# tomcat_home is now picked up from ../defaults/main.yml

- name: fetch tomcat
  win_get_url: url="{{ build_server }}{{ item }}" dest="{{ win_deploy_dir 
}}{{ item }}" force=no
     - "{{tomcat_installer }}"

- name: check for existence of latest tomcat
    path: "{{ tomcat_home }}"
  register: current_tomcat
  - name: install tomcat if needed
  win_shell: '{{ win_deploy_dir }}{{ tomcat_installer }} /S /D={{ 
tomcat_home }}'
  when: current_tomcat.stat.exists == false

- name: remove unwanted webapps ROOT manager docs from tomcat
  win_file: 'state=absent path={{ tomcat_home }}\webapps\{{item}}'
    - ROOT
    - manager
    - docs

- name: set tomcat parameters for startup
  win_shell: '{{ tomcat_home }}\bin\tomcat8.exe update --Startup=auto 
--JvmMs=2000 --JvmMx=2000 --JvmOptions="-Dcatalina.home={{ tomcat_home 
}}\;-Dcatalina.base={{ tomcat_home }}\;-Djava.endorsed.dirs={{ tomcat_home 
}}\endorsed;{{ tomcat_home 
- name: restart tomcat service
    name: 'Tomcat 8'
    start_mode: auto
    state: restarted

On Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 2:46:05 PM UTC, wrote:
> Hello,
> I am kind of new to ansible. I did my first steps and got the ping from my 
> control server to a windows machine up and working. So far so good.
> Now I need to install Tomcat from scratch and add later on some patches. I 
> was in the hope to find some example roles on ansible-galaxy but there are 
> non for Tomcat on  Windows.
> So here is my question, does any one know w source for such a role which I 
> can use as a base to develop upon? 
> Thank you very much
> Michael

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