On Friday, 8 December 2017 09.10.55 CET SK wrote:
> I am also facing a similar problem.  The output says "register" is not 
> supported for ios_command module.  Any idea on this?  I am running the 
> latest ansible version  If I don't use the register command, the 
> playbook executes successfully, so the error is only caused by 
> register/stdout related commands.
> Appreciate any help.
> ---
>  - name: Checking running cisco config
>    hosts: cisco
>    gather_facts: False
>    connection: local
>    vars_files:
>    - creds.yml
>    tasks:
>       - name: configure provider
>         set_fact:
>          provider:
>            username: "{{username}}"
>            password: "{{password}}"
>            host: "{{inventory_hostname}}"
>         delegate_to: localhost
>         ios_command:
>            provider: "{{ provider }}"
>            commands:
>              - show mod | i c200
>            register: showmod

register is a directive for the task and not the module.
So the register is indented to spaces to much, it should be on the same level 
as ios_command, delegate_to and name.

Kai Stian Olstad

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