On Monday, 11 December 2017 15.26.58 CET Gareth Stockdale wrote:
> So new to ansible.  I am using win_reg_stat to lookup registry keys to 
> ultimately uninstall some software.  If the reg entry is found, myvar.value ( 
> after defining "register: myvar") contains the registry value.  If it is not 
> found, that key is not defined in the myvar dict.  
> Problem I have is that I cannot use below in both cases as if they key does 
> not exist, it fails with Ansible defined variable error
> Set_fact:
>    Thisvar: {{ myvar.value }}
>    When: myvar.value is defined
> I have tried a when: clause with is/is not defined, but the presence of the 
> .value key in the setting of the variable/fact name causes failure.  I would 
> of thought (or liked to think), the when condition would prevent the setting 
> and thus check of the undefined variable.
> Any thoughts?

You have three problems, set_fact and when is all lower case.
When you have curly brackets after colon you need quotes around it.
Your When becomes a variable since it is indented to far in, when must be on 
the task, indented the same as set_fact.

- set_fact:
    Thisvar: '{{ myvar.value }}'
  when: myvar.value is defined

Kai Stian Olstad

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