I forgot to specify my Ansible version. I am using:

On Tuesday, 23 January 2018 07:59:58 UTC-5, Wajdi Al-Hawari wrote:
> The Scenario: 
> I have encountered an issue that I first drafted as a bug, but before I 
> post it, I wanted to ask about it here first.
> The scenario I'm facing is wanting to run my playbook without explicitly 
> setting a virtualenv in my pip module. So, instead I'm using the 
> ansible_python_interpreter to point to the python interpreter I want to 
> use. 
> example call: ansible-playbook -i inventory --connection=local 
> playbook.yml -e ansible_python_interpreter=/home/user/foo_proj/venv
> I noticed that when running my playbook with my python interpreter set to 
> /home/user/foo_proj/venv/, my expectation was for the venv to be within 
> that context using /home/user/foo_proj/venv/bin/pip. It, however instead 
> was using /usr/local/bin/pip3 per the small snippet of my output: 
> ok: [localhost] => {
>     "changed": false, 
>     "cmd": "/usr/local/bin/pip3 install docker-compose", 
>     "invocation": {
>         "module_args": {
> I do have a growing suspicion that the intention of this 
> "ansible_python_interpreter" environment variable is not necessarily meant 
> for virtual environments (meaning my supposed bug is invalid) but specific 
> locations of the Python executable you want to use, thus, in turn using its 
> respecting /usr/bin/pipX (X being the version). 
> It is fairly clear even from the code here 
> <https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/6233daaa446993e4820f0eaa83ffdeb673dbcced/lib/ansible/modules/packaging/language/pip.py#L299>
>  that the behaviour is to look for /usr/bin/pip. 
> The question:
> So, my question is whether using the ansible_python_interpreter should in 
> fact get the pip module to use the respective environment pip, or is it as 
> specified in the code not intended to change the pip module path to the 
> virtualenv pip, but rather to the system level pip for the version of 
> Python being specified by ansible_python_interpreter? 

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