> [WARNING]: log file at /var/log/ansible.log is not writeable and we cannot 
> create it, aborting
> ansible
>   config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
>   configured module search path = [u'/usr/share/my_modules']
>   ansible python module location = 
> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible
>   executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible
>   python version = 2.7.12 (default, Dec  4 2017, 14:50:18) [GCC 5.4.0 
> 20160609]
> --------------------------------------------------
# This is the file that generate .cfg file from template. 
# /etc/ansible/leaf_bgp/tasks/cfg_generator.yaml  
# this file will be called form /etc/ansible/sudo ansible-playbook 
spine.yml -vvvv 

> ---
>  - name: Clear gathered facts from all currently targeted hosts
>    meta: refresh_inventory
>  - name: Generating LEAF-BGP configuration
>    template:
>       src="/etc/ansible/leaf_bgp/templates/leaf_bgp_template.j2"
>       dest=/etc/ansible/leaf_bgp/files/{{item.host_ip}}_leaf_bgp.cfg
>    when:
>       - item.host_ip |string  in 
> hostvars[inventory_hostname].inventory_hostname
>    with_items:
>      - "{{ leaf_bgp }}"
> #     - "{{ all_vars }}"
> ----------------------------------------------------
#This file is /etc/ansible/bgp_leaf/defaults/main.yaml
# I am trying to access these variables for all routers of junos
#these are common variables for all routers  

> ---
> # defaults file for leaf_bgp
> all_vars:
>   [
>   local_as : '65111',
>   peer_as : '65101',
>   evpn_as : '65100',
>   spine_lo0 : '',
>   ]

# I tried lot of different ways like
# Still not able to access the variables from this defaults/main.yaml file 
# I am getting same error as "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'dict object' has 
no attribute 

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is /etc/ansible/bgp_leaf/vars/main.yaml
# When i have all variables here my script is running fine. It is 
generating .cfg file. But I want to access some variable from 

> #Vars file
> leaf_bgp:                                                                  
>    #4_Member Leaf TOA                                                      
>    - {'host_ip' : '',                                        
>       'host_name' : 'something',                                          
>       'loopback0' : '',                                          
>       'spine_neighbor' : '',                                      
>       'spinev6_neighbor' : 'Something',                                    
>      }     
> -----------------------------------------------
> The error is  "msg": "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'dict object' has no 
> attribute 'local_as'"
> Please solve
> I tried changing differnt formats  
#This file is /etc/ansible/bgp_leaf/defaults/main.yaml
# I am trying to access these variables for all routers of junos
#these are common variables for all routers  
# defaults file for leaf_bgp
local_as : '65111',
peer_as : '65101',
evpn_as : '65100',
spine_lo0 : '',
#This file is /etc/ansible/bgp_leaf/defaults/main.yaml
# I am trying to access these variables for all routers of junos
#these are common variables for all routers  
# defaults file for leaf_bgp
 'local_as' : '65111',
 'peer_as' : '65101',
 'evpn_as' : '65100',
 'spine_lo0' : '',
#This file is /etc/ansible/bgp_leaf/defaults/main.yaml
# I am trying to access these variables for all routers of junos
#these are common variables for all routers  
# defaults file for leaf_bgp
'local_as' : '65111',
'peer_as' : '65101',
'evpn_as' : '65100',
'spine_lo0' : '',

Please do the needful 

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