Kai Stian Olstad [27.03.2018 12:17]:
> On 27.03.2018 11:44, Werner Flamme wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a piece of code that gives an unexpected error:
>> --- snip ---
>> - name: link the proper certificate issue directory
>>   file:
>>     src: '{{ item }}'
>>     dest: '/etc/mycert/current'
>>     state: link
>>     follow: yes
>>   with_first_found:
>>     - "/etc/mycert/von_2020"
>>     - "/etc/mycert/von_2019"

>> The "von_2016" would be correct on the host I use as ansible master, 
>> but not on the host (sapvhrq) where the play is executed.
>> What do I do wrong here?
> with_first_found always do lookup on localhost not the remote host.
> To get files on remote you need to use the find module.

Oh, thanks, I didn't see this mentioned on the

I see how I can use the find module. But how can I get the "latest"
directory from the find module?

Do I have to split into several "stat" statements, one per year,
beginning with 2020? Plus one "file" statement for each stat, to create
the desired symlink?

Since the "/etc/mycert" directory is a symlink too, pointing to a shared
filesystem, I try to use other variable, it works here, but not all of
my hosts can share this filesystem.

As dest, I use "/clusterdisk/sapdirs/{{ facter_myhostname }}/current",
and the with_first_found list now reads like

    - "/clusterdisk/sapdirs/{{ facter_myhostname }}/von_2020"
    - "/clusterdisk/sapdirs/{{ facter_myhostname }}/von_2019"



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