I'm trying to run the below playbook. It gets to the modules task, does 
nothing for about a minutes, then i get the below error. The BigIP is 
reachable via SSH from the ansible server. This playbook is working for 
other BigIP's. I'm also able to run ad-hoc commands from the ansible server 
to this particular BigIP successfully.

f5.sdk_exception.TimeoutError <https://f5.sdk_exception.timeouterror/>: 
Timed out waiting for response

Any ideas? I have a packet capture from the bigip showing back and forth 
ssh traffic while running the playbook.

- name: show clock

  hosts: mygroup

  connection: local



  - name: show clock



        - tmsh show sys clock

      server: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"

      password: "pass"

      user: "root"

      validate_certs: "no"

    delegate_to: localhost

    register: bigip_result


  - name: debug


     var: bigip_result.stdout_lines
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