BTW, the ec2_instances variable in my solution is the registered result of 
the ec2 task run with 'with_items'.

On Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 2:28:50 PM UTC-6, Tim Stewart wrote:
> Here is the solution that I came up with through a good deal of trial and 
> error:
> vars:
>     # The list of service names we will be deploying.
>     services:
>       - name: microservice-1
>         port: 8080
>       - name: microservice-2
>         port: 8080
>       - name: microservice-3
>         port: 8080
>      :
>      :
>       - name: microservice-8
>         port: 8080
> tasks:
>     # some tasks omitted
>     - name: Create Target Groups
>       elb_target_group:
>         region: "{{ region }}"
>         name: "{{ }}-tg"
>         protocol: http
>         port: 80
>         vpc_id: "{{ vpc_id }}"
>         health_check_path: /health
>         health_check_interval: 60
>         successful_response_codes: "200"
>         targets: "{{ ec2_instances | json_query(query) | map('combine', 
> {'Port': item.port}) | list }}"
>         tags:
>           service: "{{ }}"
>         state: present
>       register: target_groups
>       with_items: "{{ services }}"
>       vars:
>         query: 
> "results[].tagged_instances[?tags.service=='{{}}'][].{Id: 
> id}"
> On Wednesday, March 28, 2018 at 4:50:01 PM UTC-6, Tim Stewart wrote:
>> Hi,
>> *Background:*
>> We are developing a system using a Microservices approach and deploying 
>> it with Ansible 2.5.0.
>> I'm writing a site.yml playbook that will provision two Ubuntu 16.04 
>> servers for each of eight different microservices.  We're provisioning two 
>> of each microservice for HA and we may increase that number in the future.  
>> For example, here are the microservice instances I want to create grouped 
>> by subnet (note this is not YAML):
>> SubNet-a:
>>     MicroService-1-a
>>     MicroService-2-a
>>     :
>>     :
>>     MicroService-8-a
>> SubNet-b:
>>     MicroService-1-b
>>     MicroService-2-b
>>     :
>>     :
>>     MicroService-8-b
>> Now I want to create a Target Group for each kind of microservice (e.g. 
>> one for MicroService-1, one for Microservice-2, etc.).  For example, here 
>> are the target groups and their targets:
>> MicroService-1-TargetGroup:
>>    MicroService-1-a
>>    MicroService-1-b
>> MicroService-2-TargetGroup:
>>    MicroService-2-a
>>    MicroService-2-b
>> :
>> :
>> MicroService-8-TargetGroup:
>>    MicroService-8-a
>>    MicroService-8-b
>> I then want to set up my ALB (using the elb_application_lb module) so 
>> that it has a *listener* with eight *rules* that route requests to the 
>> various Target groups based on a *path_pattern* condition.
>> Here is an example *elb_target_group* with hard-coded targets (based on 
>> Ansible's documentation on elb_target_groups):
>> - elb_target_group:
>>     name: Microservice-1
>>     protocol: http
>>     port: 81
>>     vpc_id: vpc-01234567
>>     health_check_path: /
>>     successful_response_codes: "200"
>>     targets:*      - Id: i-01234567
>>         Port: 80
>>       - Id: i-98765432
>>         Port: 80*
>>     state: present
>>     wait_timeout: 200
>>     wait: True
>> But since my site.yml playbook creates the EC2 instances, I won't have 
>> access to the *instance_id*s referred to in the *Id* parameter above.
>> What is a good way of specifying the *targets* property of the 
>> *elb_target_group* (above) such that it only includes all of the EC2 
>> instances of a particular kind of microservice?
>> For example:
>> - elb_target_group:
>>     name: *Microservice-1*
>>     protocol: http
>>     port: 81
>>     vpc_id: vpc-01234567
>>     health_check_path: /
>>     successful_response_codes: "200,250-260"
>>     targets:      - Id: *< **Microservice-1-a's instance_id >*
>>         Port: 80
>>       - Id:* < **Microservice-2-a's instance_id >*
>>         Port: 80
>>     state: present
>>     wait_timeout: 200
>>     wait: True
>> Thanks!

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