one more thing - I'm doing something similar and I've found it necessary to 
use wait_for: to determine that port 22 actually went down before I wait 
for it to come up again.  I've also used wait_for_conection: to wait for it 
to come all the way back before I proceed.

On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 3:14:56 PM UTC-4, Patrick Hunt wrote:
> I have the following playbook snippet
> ---
> - hosts: collector
>   become: true
>   become_method: su
>   become_user: root
>   tasks:
>   - name: restart server, if kernel updated
>     command: reboot
>     async: 1
>     poll: 0
>     ignore_errors: true
>     notify:
>       - wait for server to restart
>   handlers:
>   - name: wait for server to restart
>     wait_for:
>       host: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
>       port: 22
>       state: started
>       delay: 25
>       timeout: 300
>     become: false
>     delegate_to: localhost
> ...
> This is really part of a much larger maintenance playbook.  My problem is 
> that in our Test environment (RHEL 6 & 7) this succeeds, in our Dev 
> environment (CentOS 7) this fails.  When the play fails ansible will 
> connect and gather facts, when the play to restart is executed it will 
> state that the server is unreachable, however the task has been executed 
> and the server *is* restarted if you check the actual VM.  It seems that 
> the execution of the tasks completes before ansible is able to recognize 
> this fact, so it never gets to the point where it waits for the server to 
> restart and fails as unreachable instead.
> The ansible.cfg files are identical.  The inventory (hosts) files do not 
> have any additional variables/connection information other than hostnames 
> and groups defined.
> In the dev environment the playbook is executed as root, and in the Test 
> environment the playbook is executed as a user.
> Both environments are running ansible 2.6.2
> The dev environment functioned properly for a year or more until about 2-3 
> months ago when this restart task began to fail.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks, 
> Patrick

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