On Friday, 24 August 2018 14.44.40 CEST Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
> I've created the following playbook:
> ---
> > - hosts: Host1
> >   gather_facts: false
> >   tasks:
> >     - name: SQL Query Pending Import Jobs
> >       script: /etc/ansible/files/mssql_opm_getImportJobs.ps1
> >       register: import_job_count
> >     - debug:
> >         msg: "Number of running imports: {{ import_job_count.rc }}"
> >       tags:
> >         - test
> > - hosts: Host2
> >   gather_facts: false
> >   tasks:
> >     - name: Stop 1Point Import Services
> >       win_service: name={{ item }} state=stopped
> >       with_items: 
> > ["ImportRecipientsService","ImportRecipientsService_V2","OnepointImportService_High","OnepointImportService_Higher","OnepointImportService_Highest","OnepointImportServi
> > ce_Low"]
> >       when: import_job_count.stdout == "0"
> >       tags:
> >         - stop_opm_import_services
> As I hope you can see, the idea is to use the register value from the first 
> play to work in the second, which is aimed at another host.  I get 
> "'import_job_count' is undefined" because the register value doesn't 
> persist.  Is there any way to do this?

Register variables is per host not global, so you need to specify the host you 
want to retrieve it from.
To do this you need to use hostvars

Kai Stian Olstad

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