On Sunday, November 4, 2018 at 2:45:06 AM UTC-5, Uwe Sauter wrote:
> Hi, 
> Am 04.11.18 um 00:45 schrieb Tom K.: 
> > Thanks Uwe! 
> > 
> > | 
> > # cat main.yml 
> > --- 
> > 
> > -name:Gatherall facts prior to execution 
> >    hosts:mysql 
> >    gather_facts:yes 
> > 
> > 
> > -name:Installandconfigure MySQL 
> >    hosts:mysql 
> >    sudo:yes 
> >    roles: 
> > -mysql 
> >    tags:mysql 
> > 
> > | 
> First of all: you don't need the first play gathering facts if you don't 
> suppress it in the second. 
> "gather_facts: true" is default and thus will be executed in every play 
> (something might have changed 
> due to actions in the last play…) 

I did not have this originally.  It was suggested to try it in one of the 
posts I was reading so I tacked it on but it made no difference.  

> > The above calls this role: 
> > 
> > | 
> > # vi tasks/main.yml 
> > # These tasks install the community MySQL Server. 
> > 
> > 
> > -include_tasks:variables.yml 
> > 
> > # Place the my.cnf file on the target hosts. 
> > -name:Copymy.cnf globalMySQLconfiguration. 
> > template: 
> >      src:my.cnf.j2 
> >      dest:"{{ mysql_config_file }}" 
> >      owner:root 
> > group:root 
> >      mode:0644 
> >      tags:mysql 
> > 
> This looks normal. 
> In situations like these where I'm unsure at which level of nesting a 
> value can be found I use the following neet trick 
> to get a glimpse of the variable structure: 
> - name: my_play 
>    hosts: my_group 
>    gather_facts: false (to speed up execution. Set to true or omit this 
> line if settings have changed in the last play) 
>    tasks: 
>      - (list of preparing tasks, e.g. set_fact) 
> ### debug #### 
>      - name: dump variable output 
>        copy: 
>          dest: /tmp/<variable_name.yaml> 
>          content: '{{ variable_name | to_nice_yaml }}' 
>      - pause: (or fail:) 
> ### end debug ### 
>      - (rest of the play) 

So I've modified the first main.yml as follows:

# cat main.yml

- name: Gather all facts prior to execution
  hosts: mysql
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Dump ansible_default_ipv4 variable output
        dest: /tmp/ansible_default_ipv4.yaml
        content: '{{ ansible_default_ipv4 | to_nice_yaml }}'
    - fail:

- name: Install and configure MySQL
  hosts: mysql
  sudo: yes
    - mysql
  tags: mysql

But couldn't find anything printed into /tmp/ansible_default_ipv4.yaml 
( Now I could have mocked it up given how green I am with this. )

However, I've also done this:

# cat tasks/variables.yml

- name: Include OS-specific variables (RedHat) .
  include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}-{{ 
ansible_distribution_major_version }}.yml"
  when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"

- name: Define mysql_config_file variable .
    mysql_config_file: "{{ __mysql_config_file }}"
  when: mysql_config_file is not defined

- debug:
    msg: "var = {{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
  when: ansible_default_ipv4.address is defined

- name: Define the mysql_ipv4 variable
    mysql_ipv4: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
  when: mysql_ipv4 is not defined

- name: Print all variables for each remote device
    var: hostvars[inventory_hostname]

which printed this output (snippet only):

TASK [mysql : Print all variables for each remote device] 
task path: /ansible/roles/mysql/tasks/variables.yml:21
ok: [mysql04] => {
    "hostvars[inventory_hostname]": {
        "__mysql_config_file": "/etc/my.cnf",
        "ansible_all_ipv4_addresses": [
        "ansible_all_ipv6_addresses": [
        "ansible_apparmor": {
            "status": "disabled"
        "ansible_architecture": "x86_64",
        "ansible_bios_date": "04/14/2014",
        "ansible_bios_version": "6.00",
        "ansible_check_mode": true,
        "ansible_cmdline": {
            "BOOT_IMAGE": "/vmlinuz-3.10.0-693.21.1.el7.x86_64",
            "LANG": "en_US.UTF-8",
            "biosdevname": "0",
            "crashkernel": "auto",
            "net.ifnames": "0",
            "quiet": true,
            "rd.lvm.lv": "centos/swap",
            "rhgb": true,
            "ro": true,
            "root": "/dev/mapper/centos-root"
        "ansible_date_time": {
            "date": "2018-11-04",
            "day": "04",
            "epoch": "1541340261",
            "hour": "09",
            "iso8601": "2018-11-04T14:04:21Z",
            "iso8601_basic": "20181104T090421500144",
            "iso8601_basic_short": "20181104T090421",
            "iso8601_micro": "2018-11-04T14:04:21.500460Z",
            "minute": "04",
            "month": "11",
            "second": "21",
            "time": "09:04:21",
            "tz": "EST",
            "tz_offset": "-0500",
            "weekday": "Sunday",
            "weekday_number": "0",
            "weeknumber": "44",
            "year": "2018"
        "ansible_default_ipv4": {
            "address": "",
            "alias": "eth0",
            "broadcast": "",
            "gateway": "",
            "interface": "eth0",
            "macaddress": "00:50:56:86:e1:1b",
            "mtu": 1500,
            "netmask": "",
            "network": "",
            "type": "ether"


> With this you'll be able to analyze the structure and see if the attribute 
> / key is actually set for which your playbook 
> or template is looking. 
> Regards, 
>         Uwe 
> > 
> > 
> > There's a variables.yml file as well but that just defines 
> mysql_config_file .  Let me know if you need to see it. 
> > 
> > Cheers, 
> > TK 
> > 
> > -- 

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