On 29.11.2018 06:21, Andy Smith wrote:
Is there a way to apply a tag to all of the import_tasks statements
in a role's tasks/main.yml file without stating it on every
import_tasks line?

That is, given a directory structure a bit like this:

├── roles
│   ├── some_server
│   │   └── tasks
│   │       ├── configure_this.yml
│   │       ├── create_that.yml
│   │       ├── main.yml
│   │       └── other_config.yml
│   ├── other_role
.   .
└── site.yml


- hosts: all
    - {
        role: some_server,
        tags: some_server,

That's what you're do here, add tag some_server on all task in the role role_server.

    - {
        role: other_role,
        tags: other_role,

And this will add tag other_role on all tasks in the role.

And roles/some_server/tasks/main.yml:

- import_tasks: configure_this.yml
- import_tasks: create_that.yml
- import_tasks: other_config.yml

If I tried to conditionally apply only tag "some_server" then it
does process roles/some_server/tasks/main.yml but not any of the
imports within it.

If I add a tag attribute to each of those imports, i.e.:

- import_tasks: configure_this.yml tags=some_server
- import_tasks: create_that.yml tags=some_server
- import_tasks: other_config.yml tags=some_server

Since you are setting the tag on the role in the play, you don't need to tag it here again.

Kai Stian Olstad

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