
Instead of *stdout*, I would suggest using *stdout_lines*. For multiline 
output this is much nicer, e.g.

- hosts: all
    - name: Run ls.sh and output "ls /"
      script: ls.sh
      register: out

    - debug: var=out.stdout_lines


TASK: [debug var=out.stdout_lines] ******************************************** 
ok: [local] => {
    "var": {
        "out.stdout_lines": [
            "total 61", 
            "lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root     7 Feb 15  2015 bin -> usr/bin", 
            "drwxr-xr-x   6 root root  1024 Aug 24 22:08 boot", 
            "drwxr-xr-x  22 root root  3580 Sep  8 18:41 dev",  
            "drwxr-xr-x   9 root root  4096 Aug 25 19:14 usr", 
            "drwxr-xr-x  13 root root  4096 Feb 25  2015 var"

Regarding real-time output for debugging purposes, there is a closed bug 
the reasons why this is not possible and will not be implemented.

Thanks and regards,

Liana melissa,

Automation developer <https://mindmajix.com/ansible-training>.

On Wednesday, April 3, 2019, at 7:52:32 PM UTC+5:30, Kunalsing Thakur wrote:
> playbook:-
> task:-
> - name: Deploying PCC-test
>   hosts: pulp
>   gather_facts: true
>   vars_files:
>     - /etc/ansible/inventories/group_vars/common.yaml
>   vars:
>     - rpmsearch: true
>     - rpmname:
>         - mobi-auth-manager-5.42.0-201903291228.ed4d6a0.noarch
>   serial: 1
>   any_errors_fatal: true
>   roles:
>     - role: mobi_ansible_role_pulp
> Pulp.yaml:-
> ---
> - name: Logging into pulp
>   shell: pulp-admin login -u admin -p admin
> - name: searching the rpm into pulp repo
>   shell: pulp-admin rpm repo content rpm --repo-id=mobi-snapshots --match 
> 'filename={{ item }}'
>   with_items: "{{ rpmname | default([]) }}"
>   register: pulp
>   when: rpmsearch is defined
> - debug:
>     var: pulp.results.stdout
> Playbook output:-
> PLAYBOOK: pulp.yaml 
> **********************************************************************************************
> 1 plays in pulp.yaml
>  [WARNING]: Found variable using reserved name: remote_user
> PLAY [Deploying PCC-test] 
> ****************************************************************************************
> TASK [Gathering Facts] 
> *******************************************************************************************
> task path: /etc/ansible/playbooks/paytv/pulp.yaml:2
> Wednesday 03 April 2019  14:18:45 +0000 (0:00:00.136)       0:00:00.136 
> *******
> ok: [node]
> META: ran handlers
> TASK [mobi_ansible_role_pulp : include_tasks] 
> ********************************************************************
> task path: /etc/ansible/roles/mobi_ansible_role_pulp/tasks/main.yml:12
> Wednesday 03 April 2019  14:18:49 +0000 (0:00:03.725)       0:00:03.862 
> *******
> included: /etc/ansible/roles/mobi_ansible_role_pulp/tasks/pulp.yaml for 
> inplp01p2.infra.smf1.mobitv
> TASK [mobi_ansible_role_pulp : Logging into pulp] 
> ****************************************************************
> task path: /etc/ansible/roles/mobi_ansible_role_pulp/tasks/pulp.yaml:2
> Wednesday 03 April 2019  14:18:49 +0000 (0:00:00.409)       0:00:04.271 
> *******
> changed: [node] => changed=true
>   cmd: pulp-admin login -u admin -p admin
>   delta: '0:00:01.010085'
>   end: '2019-04-03 14:18:51.477441'
>   rc: 0
>   start: '2019-04-03 14:18:50.467356'
>   stderr: ''
>   stderr_lines: []
>   stdout: |-
>     [0m[92mSuccessfully logged in. Session certificate will expire at Apr 
> 10 14:18:51 2019
>     GMT.[0m
>   stdout_lines: <omitted>
> TASK [mobi_ansible_role_pulp : searching the rpm into pulp repo] 
> *************************************************
> task path: /etc/ansible/roles/mobi_ansible_role_pulp/tasks/pulp.yaml:4
> Wednesday 03 April 2019  14:18:51 +0000 (0:00:01.985)       0:00:06.256 
> *******
> changed: [node] => 
> (item=mobi-auth-manager-5.42.0-201903291228.ed4d6a0.noarch) => changed=true
>   cmd: pulp-admin rpm repo content rpm --repo-id=mobi-snapshots --match 
> 'filename=mobi-auth-manager-5.42.0-201903291228.ed4d6a0.noarch'
>   delta: '0:00:01.417179'
>   end: '2019-04-03 14:18:53.720125'
>   item: mobi-auth-manager-5.42.0-201903291228.ed4d6a0.noarch
>   rc: 0
>   start: '2019-04-03 14:18:52.302946'
>   stderr: ''
>   stderr_lines: []
>   stdout: |-
>     [0mArch:         noarch
>     Buildhost:    3c33318f8330
>     Checksum:     
> 33816f5a2680403526591148da282e680655ad354fe23f80cc100824dcc1b4f1
>     Checksumtype: sha256
>     Description:  Mobi Auth Manager
>     Epoch:        0
>     Filename:     mobi-auth-manager-5.42.0-201903291228.ed4d6a0.noarch.rpm
>     License:      MobiTV, Inc.
>     Name:         mobi-auth-manager
>     Provides:     mobi-auth-manager = 5.42.0-201903291228.ed4d6a0-0,
>                   osgi(ch.qos.logback.classic) = 1.1.2-0, 
> osgi(ch.qos.logback.core)
>                   = 1.1.2-0, osgi(com.google.guava) = 14.0.1-0,
>                   osgi(com.sun.jersey.client) = 1.17.0-0,
>                   osgi(com.sun.jersey.contribs.jersey-apache-client) = 
> 1.17.0-0,
>                   osgi(com.sun.jersey.contribs.jersey-apache-client4) = 
> 1.17.1-0,
>                   osgi(com.sun.jersey.contribs.jersey-spring) = 1.17.0-0,
>                   osgi(com.sun.jersey.core) = 1.17.0-0,
>                   osgi(com.sun.jersey.jersey-server) = 1.17.0-0,
>                   osgi(com.sun.jersey.json) = 1.17.0-0, 
> osgi(com.sun.jersey.servlet)
>                   = 1.17.0-0, osgi(com.sun.xml.bind) = 2.2.3-0, 
> osgi(curator-client)
>                   = 2.2.0-0, osgi(curator-framework) = 2.2.0-0,
>                   osgi(curator-recipes) = 2.2.0-0, 
> osgi(curator-x-discovery) =
>                   2.2.0-0, osgi(jackson-core-asl) = 1.9.12-0, 
> osgi(jackson-jaxrs) =
>                   1.9.9-0, osgi(jackson-mapper-asl) = 1.9.9-0, 
> osgi(jackson-xc) =
>                   1.9.9-0, osgi(javax.ws.rs.jsr311-api) = 1.1.1-0, 
> osgi(jaxb-api) =
>                   2.2.2-0, osgi(jcl.over.slf4j) = 1.7.7-0, 
> osgi(log4j.over.slf4j) =
>                   1.7.7-0, osgi(org.apache.commons.codec) = 1.10.0-0,
>                   osgi(org.apache.commons.collections) = 3.2.1-0,
>                   osgi(org.apache.commons.io) = 2.4.0-0,
>                   osgi(org.apache.commons.lang) = 2.6-0,
>                   osgi(org.apache.commons.net) = 2.2-0,
>                   osgi(org.apache.hadoop.zookeeper) = 3.4.5-0,
>                   osgi(org.codehaus.jettison.jettison) = 1.1-0,
>                   osgi(org.jboss.netty) = 3.2.3-0,
>                   osgi(org.mortbay.jetty.servlet-api-2.5) = 2.5-0, 
> osgi(slf4j.api) =
>                   1.7.7-0, osgi(stax2-api) = 3.1.4-0, 
> osgi(woodstox-core-asl) =
>                   4.4.1-0
>     Release:      201903291228.ed4d6a0
>     Requires:     mobi-tomcat-config-8080 >= 8.0.17-0
>     Version:      5.42.0
>   stdout_lines: <omitted>
> TASK [mobi_ansible_role_pulp : debug] 
> ****************************************************************************
> task path: /etc/ansible/roles/mobi_ansible_role_pulp/tasks/pulp.yaml:9
> Wednesday 03 April 2019  14:18:53 +0000 (0:00:02.239)       0:00:08.496 
> *******
> ok: [node] =>
>   pulp.results.stdout: 'VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!: ''list object'' has no 
> attribute ''stdout'''

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