check this it worked with me
بتاريخ الجمعة، 30 مارس، 2018 6:55:21 ص UTC+2، كتب Uvindra Dias Jayasinha:
> Thanks Kai
> On Wednesday, March 28, 2018 at 6:36:58 PM UTC+5:30, Kai Stian Olstad 
> wrote:
>> On Wednesday, 28 March 2018 07.26.14 CEST 'Uvindra Dias Jayasinha' via 
>> Ansible Project wrote: 
>> > Im using Ansible 2.5 on Ubuntu 17.10 
>> > 
>> > Given the following xml file 
>> > 
>> > <business> 
>> >   <beers> 
>> >   </beers> 
>> > </business> 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Trying to add nested elements so that the file is changed to the 
>> following 
>> > output fails. 
>> > 
>> > <business> 
>> >   <beers> 
>> >     <beer> 
>> >         <name>Old Rasputin</name> 
>> >         <year>2000</year> 
>> >     </beer> 
>> >   </beers> 
>> > </business> 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Here is the playbook I used 
>> > 
>> > - name: Add several more beers with the year of manufacture nested 
>> >   xml: 
>> >     path: /foo/bar.xml 
>> >     xpath: /business/beers 
>> >     add_children: 
>> >     - beer: 
>> >       - name: Old Rasputin 
>> >       - year: 2000 
>> > 
>> > I see the following exception, 
>> > 
>> > An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, 
>> use      -vvv. The error was: TypeError: Argument must be bytes or unicode, 
>> got 'list' 
>> > fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "module_stderr": 
>> "Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File 
>> \"/tmp/ansible_sv9JSC/\", 
>> > line 860, in <module>\n    main()\n  File 
>> \"/tmp/ansible_sv9JSC/\", line 840, in main\n     
>> > add_target_children(module, doc, xpath, namespaces, add_children, 
>> input_type)\n  File \"/tmp/ansible_sv9JSC/\", line 
>> 409, in add_target_children\n     
>> > new_kids = children_to_nodes(module, children, in_type)\n  File 
>> \"/tmp/ansible_sv9JSC/\", line 651, in 
>> children_to_nodes\n     
>> > return [child_to_element(module, child, type) for child in children]\n 
>>  File \"/tmp/ansible_sv9JSC/\", line 639, in 
>> child_to_element\n     
>> > node.text = value\n  File \"src/lxml/etree.pyx\", line 1030, in 
>> lxml.etree._Element.text.__set__\n  File \"src/lxml/apihelpers.pxi\", line 
>> 716, in lxml.etree._setNodeText\n   
>> > File \"src/lxml/apihelpers.pxi\", line 704, in 
>> lxml.etree._createTextNode\n  File \"src/lxml/apihelpers.pxi\", line 1442, 
>> in lxml.etree._utf8\nTypeError: Argument must be bytes or unicode, got 
>> 'list'\n", 
>> > "module_stdout": "", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE", "rc": 1} 
>> > 
>> > Is this supported or am I missing something here? 
>> To my knowledge you can't create children's children in one task. 
>> You need to create beer first in one task and then name and year in a 
>> separate task. 
>> -- 
>> Kai Stian Olstad 

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