*SOLUTION FOUND*Sorry I'm very stupid and I shouldn't work at night.
The problem is that postgresql_query is new in version 2.8 in development, 
and I have 2.7.10
Thank you for your time

Il giorno venerdì 3 maggio 2019 21:52:58 UTC+2, magn...@gmail.com ha 
> Hi, I have to create and populate a DB with Ansible.
> I successfully create the db, but when I add the postgresql_query I got 
> syntax error. 
> I also tried to add the code from documentation (here 
> <https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/modules/postgresql_query_module.html>)
> but it get the same.
> The *error* is:
>> The offending line appears to be:
>>       - name: Run queries from SQL script
>>         ^ here
> I put here the playbook, I really have any idea what it could be. Is it a 
> bug?
>>>   - hosts: vm_database
>>     become: yes
>>     vars:
>>      #usate per il lancio senza Cloudify
>>         an_db_name: db_webserver
>>         #an_db_user: webserver
>>         #an_db_password: webserver
>>     tasks:
>>       - name: PostgreSQL  installation...
>>         become_user: root
>>         package:
>>             name: "{{ item }}"
>>             state: present
>>         loop:
>>             - postgresql
>>             #- postgresql-contrib
>>             #- libpq-dev
>>             - python-psycopg2
>>>       - name: Check Cluster dir is empty..
>>         register: foundFiles
>>         find:
>>             paths: /var/lib/postgres/data
>>             patterns: '*.*'
>>>       - name:  Launching initdb ...
>>         when: foundFiles.matched == 0
>>         become_user: postgres
>>         become_flags: -i
>>         shell: initdb --locale $LANG -E UTF8 -D '/var/lib/postgres/data'
>>>       - name: Set postgresql.conf to allow remote connection...
>>         become_user: root
>>         lineinfile:
>>             path: /var/lib/postgres/data/postgresql.conf
>>             regexp: "^#listen_addresses = 'localhost'"
>>             line: "listen_addresses = '*' "
>>>       - name: Set pg_hba.conf to allow remote connection...
>>         become_user: root
>>         lineinfile:
>>             path: /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf
>>             regexp: 'host.*all.*all.**md5'  #da sistemare, non 
>>> funziona
>>             firstmatch: yes
>>             insertafter: '^# IPv4 local connections:*'
>>             line: "host\tall\t\tall\t\t0.0.0.0/0\t\tmd5"    #controllare 
>>> -> bazooka
>>>       - name: Service launch..
>>         become_user: root
>>         service:
>>             name: postgresql
>>             state: started
>>             enabled: yes
>>>       - name:DB creation..
>>         become_user: postgres
>>         postgresql_db:
>>             name: "{{ an_db_name }}"
>>             encoding: UTF-8
>>             lc_collate: it_IT.UTF-8
>>             lc_ctype: it_IT.UTF-8
>>             template: template0
>>             state: present
>>>       - name: User creation..
>>         become_user: postgres
>>         postgresql_user:
>>             db: "{{ an_db_name }}"
>>             name: "{{ an_db_user }}"
>>             password: "{{ an_db_password }}"
>>             priv: ALL
>>             role_attr_flags: LOGIN,CREATEDB
>>             state: present
>>       *- name: Run queries from SQL script...*
>> *        become_user: postgres*
>> *        postgresql_query:*
>> *            db: "{{ an_db_name }}"*
>> *            path_to_script: Resource/00-create.sql*
>> *            positional_args: 1*

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