Hey guy !!

I have on problem, i want synchronize two repertory who are in destination 
host (source and destination), my task is :

- name: "Copie de la partie front-office"
      src: /var/apps/hospitalis-frontoffice/{{ version 
}}/fo/hospitalisV3Front-{{ version }}-RELEASE/hospitalisV3Front/dist/
      dest: /home/wildfly/apache/webapp/front-office-{{ version }}

Same with this option *remote_src: yes* this task not works !! :(

The message error is :

fatal: [my_host]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "/usr/bin/rsync 
--delay-updates -F --compress --archive --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh -S none -o 
Port=22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null 
--out-format=<<CHANGED>>%i %n%L 
wildfly@my_host:/home/wildfly/apache/webapp/front-office-3-29-0", "msg": 
"Warning: Permanently added 'my_host,' (ECDSA) to the list of 
known hosts.\r\nbash: rsync: command not found\nrsync: connection 
unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]\nrsync error: error 
in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(226) [sender=3.1.1]\n", 
"rc": 12}

I specify that *source and destination* are on *host destination* and not 
in localhost.

Someone have any idea please ?!!!

Thanks for your help !! :)


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