Looks like no one has responded with any suggestion / solution for python 

I would like to repost incase this is ignored.

On Friday, August 9, 2019 at 3:51:21 PM UTC+5:30, Mohtashim S wrote:
> The servers are on python 2.7.5
> I can't use python 3, btw would like to know the solution for python 3 
> along with a solution for python 2.7.5 ?? 
> On Friday, August 9, 2019 at 12:24:27 PM UTC+5:30, Mohtashim S wrote:
>> My requirement is pretty straight forward. 
>> I wish to pass & read a set of string as array from ansible which is 
>> constructed by iterating over using with_items as show below.
>>    - name: set_fact
>>      set_fact:
>>        fpath: [] 
>>      set_fact:
>>        fpath: "{{ fpath + [ BASEPATH ~ '/' ~ vars[item.split('.')[1]] ~ 
>> '/' ~ item | basename ] }}"
>>      with_items:
>>       - "{{ Source_Files.split(',') }}"
>>      vars:
>>       fpath: []
>> Using the set_fact module i collect the strings in a array variable 
>> called 'fpath' and then pass the variable to a shell script using shell 
>> module as below. 
>>    - shell: " ~/backup.sh '{{ fpath }}' "
>> The challenge is that the passed string array fpath is unicode and is 
>> read as below in the shell script: 
>> [u/tmp/file.js, u/var/test.txt, u/tmp/llo.rft]
>> Parsing this in unix shell script becomes challenging as evident by my 
>> post to this forum 
>> <https://www.unix.com/shell-programming-and-scripting/282469-unable-print-python-array-shell-script-loop.html>
>>  and 
>> I'm looking for a better solution to my requirement. 

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