On Tue, 13 Aug 2019 12:25:29 -0500
Amos <a.go...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This works for me:
>     - name: populate service facts
>       service_facts:
>     - name: populate running services into a list
>       set_fact:
>         services_running: "{{ services_running|default([]) + [ item ] }}"
>       loop: "{{ services.keys() | flatten(1) }}"
>       when: services[item].state == 'running'
> This is with Ansible 2.8.0 on RHEL 7.6

Right. Next option might be the filters below

    - set_fact:
        srv_running: "{{ services|dict2items|
                         selectattr('value.state', 'match', 'running')|
                         list }}"



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