On 24.09.2019 19:06, Rakesh Parida wrote:
>   - name: Retrieve instance id from tenant
>     shell: openstack server list --all-projects --project "{{
> tenantid.stdout }}" | awk 'NR > 3 { print $2, $4 }' | grep -i "{{ item }}"
>     with_items: "{{ hostvars[groups['nodes'][0]]['fact'] }}"
>     register: instid
>      - name: Debug Instance id and Tennat id
>        delegate_to: localhost
>        debug:
>          msg:
>           - "Tenant ID:"
>           - "{{ tenantid.stdout }}"
>           - "==============================="
>           - "Instance ID of the VMs in TOM
>           - "{{ instid.stdout_lines}}"

When using register with with_items/loop you'll have instid.results which is a 
list where each item contain the output for each command.

When you get errors like this always run a
  - debug: var=instid

Kai Stian Olstad

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