Hello everybody,

Regarding the understanding of how the REMOTE_USER works in managed hosts..

I've created a playbook which executes the command ID, with the aim of 
knowing who is the user executing the action in the managed host.

[image: Captura2.PNG] <about:invalid#zClosurez>

I have 2 nodes with the following users:
Control Node:  ANSIBLE - ROOT

When I run the playbook, I get the follow results:

[image: Captura.PNG] <about:invalid#zClosurez>

So my question is, why is the user ANSIBLE (managed host's user) the one 
executing the task in HOST1.EXAMPLE.COM, *if I didn't specify REMOTE_USER= 
*Why ANSIBLE, and not SSHUSER??*

(for sure If I write -b (become), ROOT will be the one executing the action)

Thank you very much in advance!

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